Every month a question will be posed that may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Remember, the question is optional. You can write about anything that relates to your writing journey.
Let's give a warm welcome to our co-hosts: Tyrean Martinson, Tara Tyler, Raimey Gallant, and Beverly Stowe McClure!
This month's question is: Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in??
The answer to the first question is a resounding YES! I have some philosophical/spiritual stuff I wrote when I was in my late 20s early 30s that, when reread years later, totally blew me away. I wonder, "Who wrote that? Where did that come from? Where did that writer go and can I get her back?"
I can answer YES to the second question, too. My current WIP is YA plus it's an historical fantasy that takes place in Tibet, all of which is totally out of my normal comfort zone.
Read a Book Day!
Pick a book, any book, find a nice comfy place and... ENJOY!
(Dr.'s order!)
An Award
Quite by surprise I have received an award from The Lair of the Silver Fox for my post called, The Real America, which you can read HERE. I am humbled and honored. Thank you Silver Fox!
The Silver Fox's THRUST HOME! Award
This is NOT an award I can pass on. It's something The Silver Fox gives to bloggers for a particular post that he deems worthy of recognition. Here's what he has to say about it.
One of my all-time favorite stories is Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac. Cyrano often used the expression "Thrust home!" when fatally piercing an opponent during a sword fight. I've appropriated that phrase for... "The Silver Fox's THRUST HOME Award! -- Given to the Author of a Single Outstanding Blog Post."
And my rules for the award -- and the rules for its recipients -- are:
- This award will be given by me, and no one else, and generally to only one recipient at a time.
- I'll only give the award to those whose posts have truly "thrust home" with me, so even my best friends on the net might never get one.
- The award will usually go to a post of what I deem to be of general import and interest, but that may be fudged once in a while to reflect my own biases. (My award, my stupid rules. Deal with it.)
- There will be no set frequency for the giving of the award.
- Theoretically, a recipient of "The Silver Fox's THRUST HOME Award!" may win once, twice... or forty-seven times! This is an award for individual blog posts, not for blogs!
- Recipients would be asked to mention their receipt of said award on their own sites, along with a corresponding link to my own. And a little blurb on your sidebar -- feel free to copy and paste the graphic, of course! -- would be greatly appreciated.
- Winners are not allowed to give this award to others.
- Other than that, awardees are not asked to do anything else. You've already done it!
Being Thankful
Today I'm thankful for any and all prayers for the Virgin Islands and surrounding area.
What are you thankful for? Has your writing ever surprised you? Received an award lately?
Yes, I hope all is well for the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. My mom lives in Florida and I am really worried about the hurricane.
ReplyDeleteYour new manuscript sounds awesome. I've stretched into writing nonfiction articles for my job. Never thought I'd do that.
I've read and loved all three of your books.
ReplyDeleteIt's a crime they don't cover areas just outside our boundaries. There are still millions of lives at stake. I'll be praying for those caught in the direct path. It's really terrifying.
Congratulations on such a special award.
ReplyDeletePrayers and thoughts for everyone in the path of such a monster hurricane.
Every day should be read a book day! Well, it is to me, anyway! If a day goes by and I haven't read something, it's a bad day!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts to everyone in the path of the hurricane.
It's sad but true that news and weather people seem to focus on what affects "us," "us" being the USA (and what, Puerto Rico doesn't count as part of "us?"). That applies to most news of the world as well. We're very self-centered.
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning your well-deserved award.
People care and respond when there's a disaster. I wish they could all be as wonderful in times when there aren't any.
ReplyDeleteLook at those books you've written! Darned good job, if you ask me. And congrats on that reward.
Irma looks sooo scary! Sending positive vibes!
ReplyDeleteHaven't been around today... The roof on my sister's house is gone, she's probably lost everything. It's nighttime now still wind and rain... and there's no place for her to go...
ReplyDeleteI am definitely praying for the islands. As L. Diane mentioned, I think they do less coverage because they're out of our boundaries, but that certainly does't make it right. I am so sorry to hear about the damage to your sister's house. Irma is a scary storm. Praying!
ReplyDeleteI'm sending prayers to you and your family. I think the only way to get more coverage is to get personal video from people already there and post it, until it goes viral, then maybe people will understand the devastation occurring and realize that we must take care of all or our citizens even if they're not on the "mainland." I bet a lot of Americans don't even realize that Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are actually U.S. territory. :(
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on you post being selected by the Silver Fox!
Hi Bish - I sure hope Irma doesn't do any more damage than it has - sounds fairly nasty at the moment ... and now I hope the islands can get through without too much death or more damage ...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on Silver Fox's selection in your direction ...
Oh gosh just read about your sister's house ... so desperate for you and particularly for them ... with thoughts - Hilary
Hi Bish - I hope the family are safe ... and then I know life will be very tough, but at least family will be safe ... still thinking of your family - Hilary
DeleteBish, I hope your family and friends stay safe through Irma's rampage. You're right about media coverage. I think the media has forgotten that PR and the VI are part of the U.S.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blog award. How wonderful.
I hope your friends weather the Irma and get through it safely. It doesn't surprise me about the media coverage. They have blinders on when it comes to certain things. Places A and B get hammered but they only discuss A.
ReplyDeletePraying for everyone in the path of Irma and the fires and all that's going on around the world.
ReplyDeleteDear Bish, I was following your Facebook post over the weekend. I'm so glad your sister is OK and hopefully the rest of your family too. The destruction is almost impossible to comprehend. My prayers are with all the poor folks who have lost so much.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award which is well deserved.
now I hope the islands can get through without too much death or more damage ...