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I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Insecure Writer's Support Group

Posting first Wednesday of every month YOU can sign up HERE to find out more about the purpose of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh.

In an effort to keep these posts short and sweet, I'll be sharing an appropriate quote. 
"NeilGaimanNov04". Licensed
under Public Domain via 
Wikimedia Commons.
Today's quote is from Neil Gaiman and it's for those of us who can't seem to get our thoughts down on paper.

"Write the ideas down. If they are going to be stories, try and tell the stories you would like to read. Finish the things you start to write. Do it a lot and you will be a writer. The only to way to do it is to do it."

Can it really be as simple as that? Yes.

Today I'm co-hosting IWSG, so I'd best be off to visit! Come follow me HERE and we can visit together. My awesome co-hosts for the August 5 posting of the IWSG will be Nancy Gideon, Bob R Milne, Doreen McGettigan, Chrys Fey, and Pat Garcia! 


  1. So true, faff around and procrastinate all you like, but until you've got something to sell... (and that's what I keep telling myself before I get side tracked by the next thing...)

  2. I think it IS as simple as that. I've fallen off the "do it" wagon recently, but I'm struggling back on again. Perseverance is key. (So I keep telling myself.)

  3. What an excellent quote! I too think it is as simple as that - though of course simple and easy aren't quite the same thing, so we do need to put in some thought and time.

  4. I've always written the stories I wanted to read.
    Thanks again for co-hosting today!

  5. Very appropriate quote. Sometimes we make it harder than it needs to be.

    Thanks for co-hosting. :)
    IWSG #119 until Alex culls the list again.

  6. That's great advice, and not just for writing. Enjoy being co-host.

  7. Hi,
    I like your article. Yes writing can be as simple as that. We just have to do it.
    Pat Garcia

  8. Perfect quote. My theory is: I write the books I wish someone else would write so I could read them.
    Nice to meet you!

  9. Great advice from Neil. He is so on target. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    Diane IWSG #95

  10. Neil is so wise. :) Thank you for co-hosting today!

  11. Totally. I hear from people all the time who are aspiring and want advice. It really just comes down to practice.

  12. I once had a young fellow tell me he wanted to write a book and was wondering how to go about it. Haha, no I was unable to answer. Supplied him with a pageload of links and said basically the same thing as Neil. Didn't look near as striking while telling him though. Thanks for co-hosting, Bish! You rock.

  13. Great quote. Now I just need to shake off this cold so I can do it.

  14. Great quote. I often forget it's really that simple. It's just that I can get easily distracted. Thanks for sharing and co-hosting today.

  15. "The only to way to do it is to do it." <-- Best part of the quote!

    Thanks for hosting this month.

  16. Well, gosh, he makes it sound so simple ;)

  17. I'm pretty sure this is why I became a writer: to tell the stories I'd like to read!! It keeps me going everyday:)

  18. Perfect advice though not always so easy to accomplish.
    Susan Says

  19. It's often the simplest plans that are the hardest to execute!

  20. I suppose it IS that simple. I love Neil Gaiman. He's seriously so awesome :)

  21. How else can it be? The ideas are there, talking to us, prodding us to action. If we don't, the ideas die. Keeping it simple creates the canvas that others admire as complex. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

  22. Thanks for co-hosting today...
    Good quote; simple and sweet...Now let's go do it.

  23. Great quote. Thanks for co-hosting.

  24. Great quote, Bish! Thanks for dropping in at The Shade. ;-)

  25. It's easy to just play around at writing. It's only when we take it seriously that we become writers. thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG.

  26. Simple is best, get it written and make it so!

  27. He gets straight to the point! Finishing in particular can be hard, but we need to knuckle down and do it or we don't have a story.

  28. Excellent advice. Why write something you wouldn't want to read yourself? Thank you for co-hosting!

  29. Being a writer is simple! It's just not easy. :D

    Thanks for co-hosting!

  30. Great quote! It takes a lot of hard work, for sure.

  31. It does sound so simple. A good thing to read when blocked or feeling overwhelmed.

  32. Thanks EVERYONE who has stopped by. Being a host today has really been eye-opening and very enjoyable. I might even do it again some day!

  33. "The only way to do it is to do it." Best advice!

  34. Great quote. Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors too. Thanks for being a host,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  35. definitely, following this had me finishing my four years old ever first manuscript.

  36. Now that is pure truth.
    Great post.
    Thank you for being a co-host!
    Heather M. Gardner

  37. It really is that simple but oh my, why do we make it so hard. Summer has me a bit lazy with my writing. Not the best excuse but it is what I have.

  38. Awesome quote! Neil Gaiman's writing advice is spot-on. Thanks for co-hosting!

  39. It's simple. Apply butt glue and you have to stay in your seat and write. That's all. Great post. Thanks for co hosting!

  40. Great philosophy. It's important to start on something. What I have down is either practice or future things to rewrite or it turns into something that's publishable in the near future.

  41. Wow, it sounds simple for such an accomplished author!!

  42. Oh, Neil, looking sexy and giving good advice at the same time. Some guys get all the gifts.

  43. Of course, it sounds simple... But yes, it's the only way. Get it in gear, write, write, write. Finish. Thank you for co-hosting!

  44. He is right, but definitely not easy.

  45. He is right, but definitely not easy.

  46. Neil Gaiman's correct. Simple yet direct. :-)

    Thanks for co-hosting!

  47. Do it.
    Short, simple and it packs a punch! (why do we complicate it?)
    Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG this month, Bish!

  48. I love Neil Gaiman's writing advice. 'Write the ideas down'. My addition to that: 'Don't lose the papers or computer files with the ideas on them.'


  49. I'm a bit overwhelmed! I don't think I've ever had this many people comment on my blog! Thanks everyone!

  50. I like that quote. I need to remember it when I get ideas in bed and think "I'll remember in the morning." LOL

  51. This is so true. Writers must write. Steven Pressfield wrote a fantastic blog post today about that very thing.

  52. Words to live and write by!!! Thanks for co-hosting #IWSG!!

  53. Oh I do love a good quote! :)

  54. I love Neil Gaiman's writing advice. It's all so sensible. :-D

  55. I love Neil and his writing advice. I try to remind myself to just sit and write and I can always make changes later to make the writing better. Sometimes just getting the ideas down gets the ideas flowing. :)

  56. Bish, Thank you so much for the visit! Neil's advice is marvelous and simple. That is often the best. I've seen writers with pie charts and schedules but no output and that always makes me sad. I like simple. Playing music is bad enough, sometimes. Thanks again for the visit! Mary

  57. Great quote! If only I would get past the writing ideas down phase... Thanks for co-hosting and for the visit :)


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