Today's word is:
Energy, it has a gazzilion uses. There's electrical and mechanical energy, spiritual and ethereal energy, or physical and emotional energy, to name a few.
Depending on how you use it, this list may come in handy for finding another way to say the same thing.
active/activity, animated/animation, animating force, application,
ardor, aura
ball of fire, beans, birr, bounce, brawn/brawniness, brio, brisk,
chi, chipper
dash/dashing, drive, driving force, dynamic/dynamism
ebullience, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, effervescence,
electric, electromotive force, élan/élan vital, endurance, enterprise/enterprising,
enthusiasm, esprit, exertion, exuberance
feistiness, fervor, fire, firepower, fitness, force/forcefulness,
force of life, fortitude, full of life, full of pep
gas, geothermal power, get-up-and-go, ginger, go, gusto
hardihood, health/healthiness, high-powered, horsepower, huskiness,
inner light, intensity
karma, ki, kinetic
life, life blood, life force, light, lively/liveliness,
living force, locomotion
mana, means of propulsion, metal, metal, might, mojo, moxie,
oomph, omnipotence, operativeness
passion, pep, peppy, pizzazz, pluck, potent/potency, potential,
power, puissance, punch
sap, Shakti (also Sakti) sinew, snap/snappy, solar
energy/solar power/solar radiation, soul, soundness, spark, sparkle, speedy, spontaneity,
sprightliness, spirit/spirited/spiritedness, spry, stamina, starch, steam, strength,
strong, strong arm, sturdiness
tireless, toughness, tuck
vehemence, verdure, verve, vibe, vibrancy, vibration, vigor/vigorous,
vim, vim and vigor, vinegar, virility, vis vitae/vis vitalis, vital/vitality, vital
principle, virtue, vivacity, voltage
weight, wellness, world soul
zeal, zest/zestful, zing/zingy, zip
Here's some lovely calming yet motivating, energy music.

Every Thursday, from now until I don't know when, I'm going to express my thankfulness, for at least ONE something.
I've chosen a picture of the Deep Field to remind us all of how precious and rare this tiny ball of dirt, that we call Earth, is.
This is it. It's all we've got Let us be kind to Earth and each other. Let us be THANKFUL for what we have.
Today I'm thankful for my ears and being able to hear.
Most mornings I do a little yoga on our porch. I start out in meditative prayer, work my way into various asanas (poses) and end in meditative prayer. Doing yoga has proved a great way to focus on things, like sending healing prayers to those in need or giving thanks for being able to hear the cooing of mourning doves, the chatter of sparrows, or even the noise of traffic on the road.
I don't know about you but, during the day I forget about being able to hear. I take it for granted, like breathing or being able to see. I don't think about the delicate, miraculous, intricacies of my inner ear and what it takes for invisible waves to some how be translated by my brain into sound that makes sense.
Today I'm thankful for being able to hear.
Today I'm thankful for my ears and being able to hear.
I don't know about you but, during the day I forget about being able to hear. I take it for granted, like breathing or being able to see. I don't think about the delicate, miraculous, intricacies of my inner ear and what it takes for invisible waves to some how be translated by my brain into sound that makes sense.
Today I'm thankful for being able to hear.
Spunk! Full of energy and full of spunk.
ReplyDeleteFortitude and sturdiness! My grandmother always told me I had those.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for rain and dancing in the falling drops.
I'm thankful for the animals... and horror movies :-)
ReplyDeleteI am thankfuly for you and your ever positive attitude.
ReplyDeleteHey Bish!
ReplyDeleteHere, here, where, where? Sorry, hear, hear and I hear you loud and clear on this.
Did Diane mention "Spunk!"? Ignoring any innuendo on that, I keep getting bills from my energy company.
Everyday, a celebration of an all different, all equal world, I like to think.
Gary :)
Great alternatives for an amazing word. I love energy and sometimes wish I had more of it, but I must have enough to push through things. I've been listening to meditation clips on Youtube. They are calming.