NO ONE should go hungry in the United States. NO ONE!
As you do your shopping, add a couple of cans of beans or evaporated milk or a few jars of baby food to your basket.
Trust me, it's not painful, it won't hurt.
What follows is a very special post from a beautiful young woman who is facing her mortality at far too young an age.
She is special and dear to my heart and I have been blessed that she has openly shared her journey with me.
A few days ago she sent me an email and I asked if I could share it on my blog because it's
That Time Of Year
when we should be remembering what GIVING is all about. I know it's a bit long, but I hope you will take the time to read this story from a most beautiful human being.
My Christmas Story
Yesterday, I held a "Garage Sale," but it was more of a giveaway event. I held it in the crummiest part of town, intentionally. With the help and support of a few amazing friends, I boxed up various items from my house and as many new items as I could acquire.
When people stopped in and asked me prices I said, "It's free, please take what you'd like." To every child I saw, I told them to pick out anything of their choosing, and as long as the adult they were with said it was ok to have, they could have it.
Most of the children picked toys, but some didn't. Some chose a purse, a book, a cd, a piece of clothing or jewelry. Whatever. It was fascinating to watch them scurry about and put thought into their selection. I got hugs and thank yous. It was a magical, beautiful day. 75 degrees outside in December!
A very old woman came by, with her adult daughter. She told me that she had 12 grandchildren whom she'd never been able to give Christmas gifts to, because even an item from the Dollar Store would add up to more than her resources allowed. Together, we filled a box with enough for all 12 grandchildren to receive gifts from their grandmother. She was absolutely delighted. She had no teeth, but she smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen, filled with pure joy. She was beautiful. These were what society would call "poor people", because they really have no money. But, I saw no poverty yesterday. I saw the spirit of Christmas, I saw love. And, in the eyes of every grateful child of any age, I saw the face of God.
Not one person showed greed or took more than what was reasonable. I left it pretty open, anyone could have loaded up their pick up truck if they wanted to, but not a single person did. A few people gave me money, even though I didn't want it. They told me that they appreciated my acts and I received prayers of blessings and hugs. I don't care what the calendar reads. It was MY Christmas.
Towards the end of the day, I met a little boy named Aubrey. My selections were getting slim and I feared there would be nothing there that he'd like. But, he found a pink glittery deer horn that I'd bedazzled and he was fascinated with it. He put it on his forehead and said he was a unicorn. He really loved it.

His reply was, "Jesus told me that when you die, ma'am, you're going to be an angel. He said you'll have wings and you'll be able to fly, and you won't hurt". Then he took my hand and said, "It's true ma'am. Jesus told me to tell you that and I don't tell lies."
It was the most beautiful, magical day ever! I merely shared material items with those in need, but I'm the one who was truly blessed. I hesitated in sharing this story, because it was "my joy", so precious and intimate. "My blessings". Then I realized that's exactly why I should share it. Joy and love are meant to be shared, that's the whole point.
A grandmother will be able to lovingly give her 12 grandchildren gifts, for the first time ever. That's beautiful. Adults who didn't have sweaters for the impending winter weather are now outfitted. A community was visiting and sharing recipes, and I saw more than a few neighbors who'd never before met strike up conversations.
Many words we use we are taught to believe are "emotions" or "feelings," abstract terms, open to interpretation. Yesterday, I SAW joy, and love, and gratitude, and community. I SAW God yesterday, in every smiling face and I HEARD God yesterday, in every child's giggle.
I'm crying as I type this. Tears of gratitude for yesterday's experience. Tears of joy for the opportunity to be blessed so much. Tears of Love for the grace of God.
There is no such thing as "giving till it hurts". It doesn't hurt at all to give. It is the best feeling in the world. It's as simple as smiling at a stranger, setting an extra place at the table for someone who's hungry, or sharing items that you'll never miss with a community in need. If you can do more, do more. If you can do little, do little.

Many people asked when I'd be back. They remembered they had some things around their homes that they weren't using, or offered to cook enchiladas and cakes. The "poor people" realized that they weren't "poor" at all. A woman offered her sewing skills, as another said she loved to iron. I think everyone is currently baby sitting each other's children now. Men were talking about combining efforts to mow the grass and fix up Mrs. Rodrigues' home, as she's been recently widowed and her house is not in well condition. It was LOVE. I'm not sure that I'll be able to host another event like yesterday, as my own physical health declines; but I know that I'll do everything I can to help, to encourage, to support it.
And again, I'm engulfed in the bliss that is true gratitude and being present in the moment. Absolute Nirvana. Only by God's will did yesterday happen. Only by God's will am I typing this. I've unintentionally fought God's will for as long as I can remember. I didn't mean to, and I truly don't feel I was aware that I was doing it. But, the more that I recognize and allow His will to occur, the more blessed I become.
And lil Aubrey with his beautiful message ~ I am in a state of true humility for that miracle. I think that was God telling me, "Good job, kid". I can think of no higher compliment or no better state to be in than that which I am in right this minute.
May you enjoy this holiday season with the true spirit of Christmas in your every moment, to the very marrow of your bones.
Thanks for letting me share this Sweet A.
Thanks for letting me share this with you, my fellow bloggers.
Thanks for letting me share this with you, my fellow bloggers.
What an amazing thing to do! And what the boy told her was so touching. I have no doubt Jesus told him to say it.
ReplyDeleteHi Bish - what an amazing post and story. Sweet A - is a thoughtful, compassionate soul ... which she has shown in her own time of crisis ...
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts go out to her especially now - and I hope her example will stay with us on earth .. as she moves to higher plains. A great deal to learn from with this post ...
Fantastic she asked you to share Bish .. and what a joy that you've posted ...
Definitely not late for the Emergency Food Bank reminder for us all .. great to see you posting - thank you ..
Cheers Hilary
This is wonderful. They have a lot of local food drives which is good because there's a lot of need. You're right. There's no excuse for people going hungry in the US.
ReplyDeleteBISH! THANK YOU, for being who you are. A wonderful, lovely, giving person. How I wish all people on earth were like you. LOVE THIS! I'm sure Jesus DID tell him that. That Mother Teresa quote will hang with me for the rest of my life. xoxoxo Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy eyes are welled up with tears as I read this. My heart wants to jump out of my chest and thank God for such a lovely gift. Yes, this story needs to be told, this post needs to be written and shared and this holiday season is the best one ever so far. Thank you, Bish. I'll be sharing this in our Effectively Human Google+ community. This one definitely needs to be passed around!
ReplyDeleteThat's a wonderful story and a wonderful way to show what this season is really about. I was particularly touched by the grandmother. You made the holiday shine, Bish.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great story. Loved the Mother Theresa quote. And such an awesome way to show what this season is about.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I just got chills reading this!
ReplyDeleteI have always hated having garage sales and its haggling. But THIS is the way to have one.
ReplyDeleteAlex, what that little boy said, gave me chills.
ReplyDeleteHilary, I hope Sweet A.'s example lives on for a long, long time.
I so agree, Donna.
Thank you, Robyn. But it's people like my Sweet A. who make it easy.
M. J., Thanks for passing it on!
Lee, If we could just do this all the time... But I too am guilty of thinking, "This is mine."
I like that quote too, Natalie. Thanks for stopping by.
Diane, Chills would be a good thing. :)
Me too, Susan. In the end none of us "owns" anything.
A nice Christmas story for that time of the year when people feel the urge to give to those less fortunate.
ReplyDeleteI am crying as I type this. What a beautiful post! Reading things like this inspires us all to share what we have and help others. This free tag sale sounds amazing. People got things that they needed (physical and spiritual) and they connected with each other. Wow! The wise words from Aubrey are amazing. Thanks for sharing this and hugs to the writer for sharing her joy with us. She continues to spread happiness and hope.
Such an amazing post and very touching. I consider myself a giver. It does have a wonderful domino effect.
ReplyDeleteBish, thank you for sharing this very touching story. What a beautiful, selfless thing your friend did. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!