The brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh, the purpose of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group is: to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Insecure Writer's Support Group is: to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Don’t forget that today is also the one year anniversary of the IWSG website and the day to post your entry for the IWSG anthology. If it is over 300 words, you can email it to theIWSG@gmail.com

Once you have posted on October 1, go to this page at the IWSG site and enter your link - http://www. insecurewriterssupportgroup. com/p/iwsg-guide-to- publishing-and-beyond.html The deadline for submissions is October 2.
Now, on with my post.
Ever wonder, once you get to end of a project, what you're going to do next? Ever get insecure and get to worrying about you next idea? Where is it going to come from, how are you going to find it? Ever stare at a blank page and feel like tearing your hair out?
Personally I don't have this problem. My problem is that I have too many ideas, so many that I have a hard time choosing what I'm going to do next. I can get so flustered trying to decide that I sort of feel like I'm sinking in quicksand. All these ideas pull and tug at me, each going in its own direction. I have binders full of ideas going all the way back to high school. How is that a problem? Well, I'm one of those people who can only do one thing at a time, focus on one story/novel at a time. So choosing an idea means other ideas will have to wait.
A Lizard's Tail - my next book being released on the 20th of this month (shameless plug) has been an idea I've been nursing since 1977! I wrote the first draft way back in 2002 or 2003 then set it aside while crit partners went over it with their fine toothed combs and I worked on other things. Finally I hauled it out and changed the POV from omniscient to third person past tense. Again I set it aside while I worked on other things.

So what's next? Oh dear, there's my very first novel which is very close to being ready... A West Indian ghost story. There's a YA historical fantasy that has nothing to do with the Caribbean that's near and dear to my heart. There's a fictional biography of St. Anthony of the Desert, patron saint of pigs and swineherds, told from the POV of a pig. And what about more Anansi stories to retell? Or a collection of my own Texas tall tales with an armadillo hero and his good friend Texas Ranger Stan Dup. So what's it going to be?
None of these. My sister and I are going to tackle revising and editing my grandmother's cookbook. When it was originally printed back in the late 60s, the publisher didn't do right by her. None of the corrections were made... There are duplicate recipes, recipes in the wrong section, and no index... This project will be a total labor of love honoring our wonderful Grammy.
The point of all this (a post much too long as it is) is that there's always some reason or other to feel insecure. You can feel insecure about not having an idea or having too many. You can feel insecure about how long it's taken to get something written or that you rushed through it and maybe didn't give it enough attention.
Stop it! Being insecure is a waste of time. Take it from someone whose knows. I've wasted a whole of lot time, YEARS even. But I'm plowing ahead. Damn the insecurities and full steam ahead!
Share some of those ideas with me!
ReplyDeleteThat's cool you will be tackling your grandmother's cookbook.
Can't wait to read about Marvin.
Glad you don't have that problem. I'm a really slow first drafter because I do get scared of those blank pages.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had your problem! I feel like I can never come up with new ideas anymore. Nothing ever seems good enough.
ReplyDeleteHi Bish - I quite understand .. but mine are blogging ideas. Marvin sounds one great character ... he'll be a success I'm sure ...
ReplyDeleteYour grandmother's cookbook sounds a wonderful project - and fabulous you can work with your sister on it ... enjoy .. cheers Hilary
I have a lot of ideas, too. So happy to hear your are tackling that cookbook next.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Okay, if you insist. =) How awesome--the cookbook. I hope there's sufficient cheese inside.
ReplyDeleteGood for you. I don't have trouble coming up with potential projects either. I'm on the verge of starting something new and can't wait to dive into the research.
ReplyDeleteI have so many ideas bopping around my head too. Your stories sound fantastic! I can't wait to see what comes next. :)
ReplyDeleteWow, Bish! I didn't know that Marvin came to you 37 years ago. I am so happy he'll be out in the world soon. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I needed to hear today. I fear running out of ideas and let it bog me down from working on the ones I do have.
ReplyDeleteIf your lizard pal is anything like the spider, I'm sure he'll be a big hit, at least at my house.
That cookbook of your granny sound like an awesome project. A 'labor of love' what could be better?
I can only focus on one thing at at time too...not that I have as many ideas as you. Hooray for Marvin!
ReplyDeleteThe real joy of leaving insecurity behind is that the ideas come quickly once one stops believing they're no good. I've been reading a great book called _Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway_ that's been out for decades. Lots of advice for overcoming those pesky fears that hold us back.
ReplyDeleteI've started four stories and stopped because my head was spinning. I finally realized I must concentrate on one story at a time to get anything accomplished. It amazes me when writer's can be composing 2,3,4 different mss.
ReplyDeleteBish, Sometimes I am like you, I have too many ideas floating in my mind space. At other times I am stuck with just one project at a time. Looking forward to reading Marvin's story.
ReplyDeleteThe ideas keep coming, even when two or three manuscripts are in the works.
ReplyDeleteYay on your upcoming release.
That's the attitude I love. Keep it up. Keep your tales coming.
ReplyDeleteLove that you have so many ideas brewing!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that you and your sister are working together to edit your grandmother's cookbook.
Congrats on the very soon release of your new book. Can't wait to read it!
Good advice, Bish. Being insecure never helped anyone that I can think of.