Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Themes for the A to Z Challenge

I'm out of pocket for the next few days. I should be back by Thursday.

In the mean time, we are fast approaching April Madness, inotherwords... 
sign up HERE for the A to Z Challenge! 
A to Z Challange

Really, there's still time to schedule posts. Haven't got a theme? How about one of these?

The A to Z of silly kid questions: Why is aardvark spelled with double AA? 
of hobbies: B is for Baton twirling.
of phobias: C is for Chionophobia, the fear of snow. And who wouldn't be after this winter?
of little known facts: D is for Donkey's kill more people annually than plane crashes.
of strange (and real) book titles: E is for Electricity in Gynecology.
of strange song titles: F is for The Funky Judge by Bull and the Matadors (1968).
of comedy movies: G is for Gasoline Gus (1921).
of fruit and vegetables: H is for Horseradish.
of action verbs: J is for judged.
of phrasal verbs (verbs using more than one word): K is for keel over. (Which I will as soon as I finish this list of themes!)
of lists: L is for laundry lists.
of classical music: M is for Mozart .
of Christmas words: N is for nativity
of countries: O is for Oman.
of words of love: P is for passion.
of plants: Q is for quaking aspen.
of gem stones: R is for ruby.
of cooking recipes: S is for salmon with sweet and sour rub.
of Harry Potter: T is for Tofty, a member of the Wizarding Examinations Authority.
of Greek gods and heroes: U is for Ulysses.
of animals: V is for vampire bat.
of dinosaurs: W is for wannanosaurus.
of fish: X-ray tetra.
of dog breeds: Z is for zuchon.

So there you have it, 26 possible themes for the A to Z challenge! Are you ready to go? Got your theme? Got your posts scheduled? Or are you waiting for the last minute?


  1. Hi Bish - my theme is set .. posts still being written - but I love the ideas you've thrown out ... I remember being somewhat stumped but then sense stepped in and I got sorted ... now I use the same overall idea ... makes sense as it's giving me a series ...

    Looking forward to seeing your A-Z .. and have a good week .. cheers Hilary

  2. Great suggestions, Bish! Hopefully someone grabs one of those and runs with it.

  3. Electricity in Gynecology? I don't even want to know....holy moly.

    Lots of possibilities in the list, though!

  4. Oh, I am impressed. No A-Z for me, but I'll be reading. Happy Monday, Bish.

  5. My theme is set as well, but it's not too original. ;) Some of these ideas would have been a lot more original! :P

  6. Those are great ideas! I look forward to those who post for the A-Z but can't imagine blogging that often myself.

  7. I am all set and ready to go. Like Vicki, the gynecology + electricity is a little creepy...

  8. Hope you have an awesome few days! And that's a great list--one of these years I'm going to play along :)

  9. I've already set my theme and written 18 of the posts, but boy do I love the alphabet of lists idea. That totally has my mental gears humming along!

  10. Wow. Looks like the challenge is going well. Thanks for sharing all the additional help for those who are still interested in jumping in.

  11. Lots of great ideas there. I'm not participating, but I look forward to your posts.

  12. Great ideas for those on the fence about participating.

  13. Not taking part this year. Just have way too much to do.

    I will try to visit some participants, though.

  14. Oh, so much to do, so much to do - and then we get to blog hop too :)

  15. I think I'll just cut and paste your A to Z list. I'm growing lazy.

  16. I could never keep up, but I'll enjoy seeing some of the posts people do.

  17. Those are really cool themes! Especially dog breeds. I used to have a really old dog breed book that I would flip through all the time for fun when I was a kid. Action verbs though is trickier. I was trying to teach my students verbs by having them writing variations on the poem "A Was an Apple Pie" but it's hard to find verbs for letters like X and U. Still, it was a fun activity.

    My theme this year is all the authors on my bookshelf, with little bits of trivia, or recommendations for their best books for each.

    N J Magas, speculative fiction author, participating in Blogging A-Z April Challenge.


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!