Depending on how you use it, this list may come in handy for finding another way to say the same thing.
Today's word is: BAD
BAD has been around since 1200 AD. If you want to learn more about BAD check out it's history HERE. There are many different ways or senses in which we use BAD. As in feeling ill, "I feel bad." Or having an intuitive sense, "I have a bad feeling about this." Or in feeling regretful, "I feel bad about hitting my brother." And that's just three ways we use the word. To really confuse things, BAD has also taken on the meaning of something being really cool or nice. "Bad jacket Bro!" Maybe in a couple of hundred years the meaning will flip entirely, just like NICE did, a word that once meant wanton or dissolute.
This a huge list of possible synonyms and I didn't get them all!
abominable, abysmal, addled, adverse, ailing, amiss, apologetic,
atrocious, awful
banned, barred, base, bastard, beastly, bilious, bitchin’, bitter,
black, blah, blue, bottom out, brokenhearted, brutal, bum/bummer, bush, bush-league
careless, cast down, cheap, cheesy, coarse, common, condemned,
contemptible, contrite, corked/corky, corrupt, counterfeit, crappy,
crestfallen, criminal, cruddy, cruel, crummy, cursed, cut-rate
damnable, dark, debased, debauched, decayed, decomposed, defective,
deficient, defiling
degenerate, dejected, delinquent, deplorable, depraved, depressed,
despicable, despondent, detestable, diddly, dirty, disagreeable, disastrous, disconsolate,
discouraged/discouraging, diseased, disobedient, displeasing, disreputable, dissatisfactory,
dissolute, distressed/distressing, doleful, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downer,
downhearted, dreadful, droopy
egregious, errant, erring, erroneous, evil, evil-minded, execrable
fake, fallacious, fallen faulty, fearful, flagrant, flawed, forbidden,
forlorn, foul, frightful
garbage, ghastly, gloomy, glum, gnarly, godawful, grave, grim,
grody, gross, grungy, guilty
hangdog, hard, harsh, hateful, heartbroken, heartsick, heartsore,
heavyhearted hellish,
hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrid
icky, ignoble, ill, ill-behaved, illegal, immoral, imperfect,
in pain, inadequate, incompetent, inconsolable, incorrect, infamous, inferior, infernal,
iniquitous,insufficient, intense, interdicted
joyless, junky,
lame, lamentable, lousy, low, low-grade, low-rent, low-spirited
mean, mediocre, melancholic/melancholy, misbehaving, mischievous,
miscreant, miserable, moldy, mournful, nasty, naughty, nefarious, negative, not
good, noxious
odious, of poor quality, off, outlawed
painful, paltry, pathetic, pernicious, pestilential, phony, poor,
punk, putrefied, putrid
rancid, raunchy, regretful, remorseful, reprehensible,
reprobate, rotten, rough, rubbishy
sad/saddened, scanty, scurrilous, seamy, second-rate, serious,
severe, shabby, sham, shitty, shoddy, sick, sinful, sleazy, slipshod, snide, sordid,
sorrowful, sorry, sour, spoiled
stale, stinking/stinky, suboptimal, subpar, substandard,
sucky, synthetic
terrible, the pits, tough, trashy, troubled/troubling
ugly, unacceptable, unclean, uncongenial, uncool, unethical, unfavorable, unfortunate, ungodly, unhappy, unhealthy, unlawful, unloving,
unpalatable, unpleasant, unpleasing, unrighteous, unruly, unsatisfactory unsavory, unskilled,
unspeakable, unsuitable, unwelcome, unwell, unwholesome, upset, useless
valueless, vexing, vicious, vile, villainous, vulgar
wacked/wacky, wanting, wicked, woebegone, woeful, worthless,
wretched, wrong
Just to make it interesting here are some overused phrases...
bad news
bad seed
bad egg
bad dog
bad blood
bad hair day
bad call
And of course... Bad to the Bone. Do you have a favorite bad ass word?
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