Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

V is for Verve

Verve: French, meaning fantasy, caprice, animation, from the Latin verba, plural of verbum meaning word. The archaic meaning of verve is a special ability or talent. Now it means the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance: vivacity, energy, vitality.

Obviously verve can easily be applied to writing, particularly when it's Latin root means word.

So there you have it, write your words with VERVE.

And here, for your musical entertainment, a group with A LOT of verve.

Don't I wish I had been a bird on the wire that day!


  1. Vervacious..? :D

    I love the word 'verve', tis cool.

  2. Good word. Great group. I'm going to try and use 'verve' in conversation today.

  3. I thought you may have included music from the group "The Verve"

    Duncan In Kuantan

  4. I will try to write my words with "verve" today too! :-)

  5. I'm running out of verve as this challenge winds down... I think I may take a blogging holiday after this is over.

  6. I love the word 'verve'. I think I'm going to add it to my list of all-time favs!

    Happy Tuesday, Bish!

  7. Verve - great word that I don't use often but should!!!
    And love that Beatles song.

  8. Great word. I read your blog with verve!

  9. Writing with verve. Cool word. And you KNOW I think it's a cool group (my favorite) and they had a lot of verve. Get Back is one of my favorites. You rock, girlfriend. :-)

  10. Ah, The Beatles! The Dear Boys, as my friends and I call them. :)

    I love your Vocabulary posts. Words are like a box of chocolates. No, wait, that was something else. No, dammit, words are like a box of chocolates! You pick them because they sound good or look good, then you bite into them and find so much more inside than you expected!

    Glad the A-to-Z Challenge led me here. :)

    Marian Allen
    Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes

  11. Good reminder. Verve probably attracts and inspires readers more. Sometimes I may get a little overly introspective in my writing and need to "verve" it up some.

    Hope you join us in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post on Monday May 2nd.

  12. Get Back is one of my very favorite Beatles songs.

  13. Write with vim and vigor too!

  14. Your post made me think I should not only write, but do everything with verve! :)

  15. Fabulous word! Another word that needs to come back into the daily usage.

    I see you've read the news, but I wanted to send official word that you've received a blog award! Come read the details on my blog. :D

  16. Oh, I love the 'Verve'. Reminds me of the band too! ;-)

  17. Great song! :) They're all quite hairy eh. haha

  18. Sorry Bish, here's the answer to your question - copied from wiki.

    Vegemite is made from used brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, and various vegetable and spice additives. It is salty, slightly bitter, and umami or malty — similar to beef bouillon. The texture is smooth and sticky. It is not as intensely flavoured as British Marmite and it is less sweet than the New Zealand version of Marmite.

  19. By co-incidence, I used the word verve on a comment I left for someone.

    Like this word.


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!