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I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Random Thought Thursday

Today's quote is from Maya Angelou.

If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street grinning "good morning" to total strangers.

Isn't this something we are all guilty of? Why is that? Would we be embarrassed if we weren't polite in public? Or is it that we are comfortable enough in our own homes to let the ugly out? Have you snarled at family and smiled at strangers?

I have.

Let us resolve to give those smiles to our dear ones. They deserve them, particularly when we've snarled at them.


  1. Oh yes, I am so guilty of this. And what makes it worse is I recently snarled and growled at my dear Dad who, since he had another stroke in late Nov last year, is physically as well as mentally disbaled (as little as two years ago, he was still so strong and charismatic, it breaks my heart to see him like this). I felt like the worst kind of worm afterwards, because he gets so upset and anxious if we get cross with him; he's so frail now and all I want to do is surround him with love, but those snarls can take the place of smiles so easily when you're with those you love. Somehow it seems safer to snarl at a loved one rather than a stranger, and yet, as this quote reminds us, it's our dear loved ones that we should be saving our smiles for.
    Judy (South Africa)

  2. Wow. That's an interesting observation. Of course, it would be best if we didn't take frustration out on anyone else--loved one or stranger. I'm guilty of both, at times.

  3. Ain't that the truth. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Huh...true. Very guilty of this, myself. I think it's because part of my job is to be friendly to strangers when I'd rather not in some cases. Pent up hostility. Not that it's an excuse by any means. Especially when I have such a wonderful hubby who takes my crap ;) Ah well. This has given me a mission today, that I will hopefully build on. Be nice to the hubs, be surly to strangers ;)

  5. This is a great reminder, Bish. Sometimes we take advantage of those closest to us.

  6. Very true, sadly. This is on my son's kindergarten teacher's email signature. Advice we all need to take.

    Happy Thursday!

  7. This is so true. I grew up with a lot of surly at home, so I make a point of being polite and friendly with my own growing family now.

  8. smile, though your heart is breaking...Isn't that a song? Anyway, smiling and getting a smile in return is a good reminder. Thanks! susan

  9. So good. What a great quote and reminder.

  10. So true. We can be the hardest on those we are closest to. If we're more smiley with those we love, chances are we'll be more kind to strangers.

  11. Good for your son's teacher, Corinne. We need people like her.

    Susan, that is an old song, I think it was written as a tribute to Charlie Chaplan.

    Christina, we all need to be reminded once in a while. I know I do.

    I think you are absolutely right, Cynthia.

  12. I am completely guilty of this. I think it's a comfort issue: we're comfortable enough with the people we love and trust to be ourselves with them, reveal how we really feel - with strangers, we're simply polite, hiding our feelings. In a way I think this is a good thing, but I do agree: we should smile at our loved ones more!

  13. New follower here! Stumbled upon your blog through the A-Z challenge. Love it!. Have to say I'm guilty of the opposite--I'm nicer to loved ones than I am to strangers. Sometimes, i can be downright rude to co-workers. sigh. i guess it's all about balance, eh?

  14. Thanks for stopping by Sangu. And you may be right about comfort.

    Glad you found me nutschell!

  15. You've said it exactly right. It's so strange that we often let out our dark side with family, the look bright and sparkly with strangers. Guess we figure our family will always take us back.

  16. Great quote. That's really something to think about.

  17. That is a great quote.

    I'd like to say I never do this, but the truth is that I probably do -- even if 1) THEY usually start it! ;o) -- and 2) there are just so many times you can pick up people's socks before you snap.

    But I will remind myself anyway!

  18. I love anything Maya Angelou!

    This was a great reminder, especially when teenagers say things like, "It's your car, but since I'm driving, I get to choose the speed..."

    I'll remind myself of this during those times.

  19. What a great reminder, Bish. I never want to take those close to me for granted ever. But I bet I do. I think I'll apologize tonight. Still in bed just came into my office to try and catch up a little. (((hugs)))


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