Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Grand Tour Continues - Week Two of THE BOWL AND THE STONE

This week you can find me hanging out with these wonderful people.

11th - Barbara Fisher, March of Time Books - Yard Culture (and we're not talking plants)

12th - Juneta Key, Writer's Gambit - Jumbies (or things that go bump in the nigh)

  14th - Chrys Fey, Write With Fey - Lignum vitae - The hardest tree in the world

If you haven't done so yet, sign up for my giveaway! (Mailing only within the U.S.A.)


  1. Glad your tour is gong well, Bish. Enjoy it!

  2. Hi Bish, thanks for coming over to play in my yard!

  3. Great job getting the word out there, Bish!

  4. I have been loving seeing your posts and book all over the blogosphere. Yay, Bish! :)

  5. Hi Bish - continue to enjoy ... I do love the cover - cheers Hilary

  6. Hey! I totally ran across you at two of those stops. Yay! Fun times.

  7. Just came from Barbara's. :) Have a great launch, Bish!

  8. Glad to see your tour is going strong, Bish!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!