Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Titles to Write By

"Titles" is an occasional blog post in which we play with a single word and turn it into, what else, titles! Afterwards the object is to pick one of them and write a little something.

It was Ray Bradbury, in his book ZEN IN THE ART OF WRITING, who taught me about making lists of words and turning them into titles. If you haven't read it I highly recommend it.

Today's word is: Mockingbird

There are signs of spring happening in our yard. The most delightful one being the mockingbird that's been singing every day for the past week.

Also, I'm going to assume most everyone knows about the "new" novel by Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird.

So these are two reason for choosing the word. And now... let's play!

Mockingbird Smockingbird
Why Mockingbirds Sing - I have a sweet little story about this called Gift to a Bird.
If I Were a Mockingbird I'd Fly Away
Mockingbirds Forever!
Mockingbirds Rock!
I'll Be Your Mockingbird
The Mockingbird Tree
How High Flies the Mockingbird?
For the Love of Mockingbirds
MockMock the Mockingbird
Six Buzzard Feathers and a Mockingbird's Tail... Oh wait, that one's taken.

Have you ever heard this song before? Do you like mockingbirds? Have you heard any bird song lately? Got a mockingbird title or story?


  1. That is an odd title for a song.

    I've only heard a mockingbird once. If I remember right, they are noisy.

  2. A Mockingbird to her mirror.
    The Mockingbirds lament.
    Three Mockingbirds in a boat (sorry this is getting a bit silly I had better stop now!)

    I hadn’t heard the song before, but I enjoyed it.

  3. Fun exercise. And I like your title ideas.

  4. The Mockingbird of Shannara!
    Jurassic Mockingbird.

  5. That was a true vintage song. I loved hearing it. I've never heard a mockingbird. We're overrun with Blue Jays, but not a single mockingbird!

    Like the idea of using a word and building a title. I'll have to try that.

  6. My Lonely Mockingbird, My Lovely Mockingbird, Mockingbird War. . . okay, I'm just throwing out crazy word combos now, but hey. I like the idea of playing with titles!

  7. This new generation will think you're confusing that with Mockingjay. :)

  8. My apologies to the authors:
    I Know Why the Mockingbird Sings
    The Life of Mockingbird
    The Mockingbird and the Sea
    The Great Mockingbird
    Gone with the Mockingbird


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!