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I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I is for...

Click HERE for a list of all
the participants!
For this, my 5th year doing the Challenge, it's the
A to Z of Anansi the spider.

I is for Imagination!

For as long as there has been language, there have stories. All that's ever been needed is imagination. And human beings don't seem to lack for that. Stories tell us how the world came into being, why things are the way they are, and teach us life lessons.
Camp fire

Stories also helped to pass the time once the day's labor was finished and the scary shadows of night crept in. I bet almost as long as there have been fire pits or camp fires, stories have been told.

It's no different with Anansi stories. They teach little life lessons or they tell us things like why Ram-Goat smells.

Isn't imagination a wonderful thing?


  1. Stories teach and they pass down history.

  2. Imagination is the friend of writers. Thanks for visiting my blog and the follow.

  3. I was just talking to my students about how fire was a social gathering point for our history :) Kinda fascinating to think about, I think!

  4. Until I enlarged your photo I was quite sure that there was a bicycle in the bottom left corner of the fire. It must have been my imagination.

  5. I don't think I would have survived the past the age of 10 without imagination. It allowed me to escape when I needed a desperate escape, and kept me from going insane when my kids were tiny and I had no life. =)

  6. Sad are the people who have no imagination.

  7. Imagination is a wonderful thing, the world would be a sad place without it.

  8. Love the whimsy of imagination! My gr-daughters create the most imaginative things/stories, and I am awed by them.

    Good post, Bish!

  9. Traditional oral story telling is amazing. (Although I can guess why the goat smells without a story!!)

  10. My imagination is one of my best friends!

  11. I is for imagination! How could it be for anything else? I suppose maybe necessity is the mother of invention, but necessity goes straight to imagination as her first tool.

  12. At the end of the day, when I put the kids in their baths, I used to tell them stories relating to their days. Sometimes it was all good, giggles and whatnot. Other times, there were lessons to learn. Most of the time, they'd contribute to the story and we'd have a wonderful dialog. Sure wish I had recorded some of those. They'd make for some great stories today.

    M. J. Joachim

    A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  13. I love clues and facinating characters which for me make for a gripping read.

  14. Without imagination we would have no stories. What a sad and lonely works that would be.

  15. I think our imagination is what keeps some of us from going mad when things get rough.

    I remember that we used to tell a lot of Anansi stories when I was younger. It's kinda like a rite of passage in these parts.

  16. Hi Bish, nice to meet you. Thanks for the follow. Am following you back now.
    Great word choice for I. Without Imagination writers just won't be able to survive.
    I love the cover of Anansi and Company. It has me completely enthralled. And the stories sound wonderful.

  17. Imagination is the escape for humanity, and it's salvation.

  18. I'm appreciate of my imagination and those of others.

  19. Imagination really is a wonderful thing! Stories around a camp fire or in candle light are the best kind!


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!