It's been a while since I won an award. I got the Dragon's Loyalty Award from C. Lee McKenzie. THANKS, Lee!
And the Rules Are:
- Display the Award on your Blog.
- Announce your win with a post and thank the Blogger who awarded you.
- Present 15 deserving Bloggers with the Award
- Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded.
- Write seven interesting things about you.
In no particular order I'd like to pass this award on to...
1. Alex Cavanaugh
2. Robyn Campbell
3. Anne Gallagher
4. Kelly Polark
5. Marcia Hoehne
6. Vijaya Bodach
7. Joy Campbell
8. Liza Salerno
9. Hilary Melton-Butcher
10. Susan Kane
11. D. L. Hammon
12. Carol Kilgor
13. Meradeth Houston
14. Medeia Sharif
15. Klahanie
Okay, 7 interesting (hopefully) things about me.
1. I absolutely cannot stand liver. My mother (a most excellent cook) used to try to disguise it. Her last attempt to get me to eat it was ground up liver mixed with beef in a meatloaf. I about threw up. After that whenever she had liver (because the rest of my family LOVED liver) she'd cook me up a hot dog.
2. In high school I won first place in an interscholastic speech arts festival in poetry for reciting, "The Stolen Child," by William Butler Yeats.
3. I've walked up the steps of the Washington Monument twice and walked down them once.
4. I've broken only one bone, a small one in my right wrist, due to a roller skating accident.
5. I may have grown up on the ocean but I know next to nothing about sailing. I'm all about being a passenger.
6. I may have grown up on the ocean but I never learned to scuba dive. I'm all about snorkeling and free diving. In my prime I could easy dive 25 to 30 feet and tool around for a minute to a minute and a half before making my leisurely way to the surface.
7. In 1970 I went with my senior class to Curacao and Caracas, Venezuela. While in Caracas there were student riots right down the street from the hotel we were staying in. We were able to watch it. Police and military guarded the hotel, outside and in, with machine guns and rifles. It was tense and exciting at the same time.

YEAH! I'm a winner!
I have been randomly picked by Melissa Wray of Uncommon YA to win a copy of the book of my choice! I went with The Pitcher by William Elliott Hazelgrove.
Thank you Uncommon YA for having such a great give-away.
Congratulations and thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that last one had your parents coming unglued.
And liver is disgusting.
Congrats on the award. I can’t stand the smell of liver, even cooking it is difficult, but my husband loves it!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award. That high school trip sounds kind of scary. Glad it turned out okay. And I hate liver too.
ReplyDeleteHi Bish .. thank you so much .. but liver I'm quite happy with, I don't have it too often now. Growing up by the ocean must have been just amazing ... and so free-making, even if you were only a passenger when on those ocean waves.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the walking down once scenario? You're not still sleeping up there are you?
Being in a riot zone must have been somewhat 'exciting' .. glad you're safe and here to tell the tale ..
Cheers Hilary
Thankee Bish! I relate to the loathsome texture of liver ... but onto more pleasant things ... I love that you've practically grown up on the water.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! And thanks so much!! I love your random things--and I have to agree that being a passenger while sailing is much more fun :)
ReplyDeleteHey Bish! Congrads! What an honor to be chosen by my pal. Thank you, my friend. You gave me a smile today!!
ReplyDeleteMy mom used to fix liver once a week. BLEH! I hated it and will always hate it. The smell. BLEH! But Dad loved it. xoxo
What is wrong with liver and onions?? I love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award, Bish. I don't think I can do the 15 bloggers to award it to, but will try!
Congrats on winning a book! And on your award. Loved learning more about you.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for thinking of me! I'll pass it on soon.
Thank you, Bish!!
ReplyDeleteYou totally deserve the loyalty award!
I would have been so scared to have rioting so near me!!! What an experience though!
Thanks much, Bish! Great to learn more things about you. I enjoy liver when it isn't tough, but in general I try to stay away from organ meats.
ReplyDeleteThank you for passing this along to me. :D
ReplyDeleteI hated liver as a child. I only tasted it once or twice.
I wish I knew how to sail.
I prefer being underwater as opposed to swimming on the surface, but I think my ears would really pop at those depths.
ReplyDeleteSubscribing/following from the #AtoZChallenge. Sister minion from another mother (AJ's Hooligans).
ReplyDeleteI'm also curious about the Washington Monument details. Did you slide down the bannister? :p j/k
Congrats on the award and winning the book. That's fantastic!
Thanks, Bish. Oh, and I can cook delicious liver three ways. Seriously. Even if one of the recipes has cheese and bacon, so with the liver, enough cholesterol for an army.
ReplyDeleteThree in the morning. What's wrong with me...
ReplyDeleteHow neato you got the Dragon's Loyalty Award from the superstar celebrity that is C. Lee McKenzie.
I'm assuming you typed this posting from the top of the Washington Monument :)
Nice win!
And thanks for including me amongst such an elite group of recipients for that award.
In no particular order..aha....
I shall make note of this award fairly soon. Thanks again, Bish.
Before my comment starts to ahem, dragon, I shall now go.....
Gary :)
Look forward to seeing you on the A to Z challenge!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award. I love bloggers sharing a little about themselves in these. Though you have me stumped re: the Washington Monument - came down the disabled ramp? The final one re: riots must have been pretty intense. Prob. just as well you were held back from going further. Good to connect:-)
ReplyDeleteYay! So glad you liked the Award and passed it on. No liver, heh? You belong to a large group of people with that distaste.
ReplyDeleteHere's to a Happy Blitz Day!
Up twice but only down once? What did you do, slide down?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've always detested liver, too. My mom made liver and onions, but knew after one try that I'd never eat them again. So I always wound up with an alternative, too.
ReplyDeleteSo fun to read the seven things about you.
So they were rioting in Caracas back in 1970? Guess things haven't changed much. Nothing like a good riot to keep a high schooler entertained.
ReplyDeleteLiver! Yes, I love it. Don't have it often, but I've liked it since I was a kid. Fried chicken livers are excellent. Beef liver and onions--delicious. I also like liverwurst. Is there liver in liverwurst?
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Congrats on the award.
ReplyDeleteDid you take a helicopter from the top of the monument? Or skydive in one of those wing suits? Or perhaps were you carried out?
I'm not a fan of liver either, I think it's the texture, yuch!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for the award and Happy Blog Blitz Day!
Congratulations on the award! That 'liver' anecdote brought back some bad memories! I guess my family loved it too, but never me.
ReplyDeleteAnd happy blitz day :D
Congrats on the win and your award! You are also being Blitzed! Happy Blitz Day!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! That is excellent!
ReplyDeleteI love liver. That is all. ;)