Depending on how you use it, this list may come in handy for finding another way to say the same thing.
Today's word is: Beautiful
You can learn about its etymology HERE.
To me, there isn't anything that can adequately take the place of BEAUTIFUL. The word itself, the way it sounds, the way it rolls off the lips is... beautiful. Certainly, pulchritudinous doesn't cut it. Anyway, we can all over-use it and to that end I offer up this list of possible synonyms.
A1, admirable, Adonis, adorable, aesthetic, alluring, angelic,
A-OK, Aphrodite, Apollo, appealing, arresting, attractive, awesome
bang-up, banner, beaming, beauteous, becoming, bewitching, blooming,
blue-chip, blue-ribbon, boffo, bonny, boss, brag, brave, bright, bright-eyed, brilliant,
bully, bumper, butterfly
capital, captivating, charming, chocolate-box, choice, classic/classy,
comely, cool, corking, crackerjack, cracking, cunning, cute
dainty, dandy, dapper, dazlious, dazzling, decent, delicate,
delightful, desirable, dish/dishy, divine, doll, dope, down, drop-dead, dynamite
elegant, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, enticing, excellent,
exceptional, exquisite, eye-catching
fab, fabulous, fair/fairness, famous, fancy, fantabulous, fantastic,
fascinating, fetching, fine, first-class/first-rate/first-string, fit to be
seen, five-star, flamboyant, flashy, flawless,
flower-like, foxy, frontline
gangbusters, gilt-edged, glamorous, glorious, glossy, glowing,
gone, good-looking goodly, gorgeous, grace/graceful, grand, great, groovy
handsome, harmonious heavenly, Helen of Troy , high-class, high-grade, high-test, hot,
ideal, immaculate, immense, in full bloom, inviting
jaunty, jim-dandy, Junoesque
keen, knockout
likely, lovely, lovesome, luscious
magnetic, magnificent, marvelous, mesmeric
Narcissus, natty, neat, nice, nifty, noble, nubile, number
one, numero uno
ornamental, out-of-sight
par excellence, peachy, perfect, personable, photogenic, picturesque,
polished, premium, prepossessing, presentable, pretty, prize-winning,
quaint, quality
radiant, radical, ravishing, refined, resplendent, rich, righteous,
rosy/rosy-cheeked ruddy
scenic, seductive, seemly, select, sensational, sexy, shapely,
shining, show-stopping, showy, sightly, sleek, slick, smart, snazzy sparkling, splashy,
splendid/splendor, spotless,
spruce, statuesque, stellar, sterling, striking, stud/studly,
stunning, sublime, superb, superior, superlative, supernal, swell, symmetrical
taking, tantalizing, tasty, teasing, telegenic, tempting, terrific,
the Graces, tidy, tight, tip-top, toothsome, top/topping top-flight, top-notch,
top-of-the-line, top-shelf, trim
undefaced, unsoiled, unspotted, unsurpassed
well-favored, well-formed, well-made, winning, wizard
(mostly British), wonderful
And I leave you with, "White Bird," by It's a Beautiful Day, a group from the late sixties. I think they were ahead of their time.
And I leave you with, "White Bird," by It's a Beautiful Day, a group from the late sixties. I think they were ahead of their time.
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