Alternatives is a recurring post in which I give synonyms for an over used word. Click on the tab above for a "complete" list of over used words.
Depending on how you use it, this list may come in handy for finding another way to say the same thing.

Today's word is: Awesome!
If you think amaze/amazing had a lot of alternative possibilities, get a load of AWESOME. It's... ELECTRIFYING!
A-1, agog, alarming, alluring, amazing, animating, A-OK, astonishing, astound/astounding, attracting/attractive, awe-inspiring
bang-up, banner, beautiful, beguiling, bewitching, blue-chip,
blue-ribbon, boffo, bonny/bonnie, boss, brag, brave, breathtaking, bully, bumper
capital, captivating, charming, choice, classic, confound, conspicuous,
cool, cool beans, corking, crackerjack, cracking,
dandy, daze, dazzle, Dear me!, divine, dreadful, dumbfound, dynamite
electrify/electrifying, enchanting, energizing, enlightening, enlivening, entertaining,
enthralling, exalted, excellent, exceptional, exciting, extraordinary, eye-opening
fab, fabulous, famous, fantabulous, fantastic, far out, fascinating,
fearful, fearsome, fine, first-class, first-rate, first-string, five-star, formidable,
four-star, frantic, frightening, frontline
galvanizing, gangbusters, gape, gilt-edged, gone, grand, great,
hairy, Heavens!, Heavens to Betsy!, heavenly, high-class, hold
one’s breath, horrible/horrifying hot, hype
immense, impressive, imposing, impressive, incomprehensible,
inconceivable, incredible, Indeed!, interesting, intimidating, invigorating
Lo and behold!, Lo!, look blank, lovely
majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mean, mind-bending, mind-blowing,
mind-boggling, miraculous, monstrous, moving
neat, neato, nervous, niffy, noble, not believe one’s
eye/ears/senses, notable, noticeable, number one, numero
out-of-sight, outstanding, overwhelming
par excellence, peachy, peachy keen, phat, phenomenal, portentous,
prime, primo, prize, prizewinning, prodigious
radical, rare, real gone, Really!, redouble, remarkable, righteous
sensational, shocking, singular, slick, smashing, something else, spectacular, splendid,
staggering, stand aghast, stand in awe of, stellar, sterling, stimulating, strike
dumb, strike with wonder/awe, striking, stun/stunning, stupefaction, stupefy/stupefying/stupendous,
stupor, sublime, super, superb, superior, superlative, supernal, Surely!, surprise/surprising,
take one’s breath away, terrible, terrific, terrifying, the
bees knees, tip-top, top-flight,
top-hat, top-notch, top-of-the-line, topping, top-shelf, tremendous,
turn up one’s eyes
unbelievable, uncommon, unimaginable, unique, unsurpassed, unthinkable,
unusual, unwonted
wizard, wonderful, wonder-working, wondrous
zero cool, Zounds!
This list I need because I use awesome a lot! Not in my writing, just in posts in comments.
ReplyDeleteI try not to overuse favourite words but it is darn hard to see them sometimes. I reckon they just sneak in to my work whilst I am asleep!
ReplyDeleteThis is . . . awesome! Overused, I know. Love your list.
ReplyDeleteI love this list! I use awesome way too much.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh when I read this because I love the word awesome. You gave me so many great alternatives to this word! What an exhilerating list. :)
What an amazing list! I love it!
ReplyDeleteWOW! My little granddaughter has learned to say AWESOME at about 16 months, but I still can't get her to say 'my grandma is awesome'. Maybe I should work on one of these alternative.
ReplyDeletelove this post! Totally need this list too. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
This post made my day. First I watched You're The One That I Want and then I watched Summer Loving. :D
ReplyDeleteGreat list. I'm guilty of abusing awesome.
Great list. So thorough!
ReplyDeleteThe trouble with overused words is that when they really apply -- when something really IS awesome -- you can't call it that because it sounds cheap and cliche.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteSince moving to the UK, I find myself using 'brilliant' a lot more than 'aweseome'.
... or even 'awesome'. :)
ReplyDeleteI posted about this on fb last week. My choice was "cool beans" and I've started using it. I love that!
ReplyDeleteI say AWESOME way too much. I'm going to start saying MAJESTIC and try to start a new trend...
ReplyDeleteYou are better than any Thesaurus.
ReplyDeleteI use this word way, way too much. I should probably bookmark this post. :)