Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I haven't done one of these in a while. I picked up this game of tag from the agents at Coffey, Tea and Literary.

1. If you could have a superpower, what would you have? Why? My superpower would consist of rendering all plastic harmless to the environment. Why? Because we are quite literally drowning in plastic and slowly killing off life in the oceans.

2. Who is your style icon? Any number of local Thrift Shops.

3. What is your favorite quote? Oh boy…There are so many. But I would say “Work is love made visible,” by Kahlil Gibran is my life’s motto.

4. What is the best compliment you've ever received? The words “I love you, I want to marry you,” whispered in my ear by my husband.

5. What playlist/cd is on your ipod/cd player right now? Orquesta Jibara: Modesto Nieves, a collection of traditional Puerto Rican folk songs.

6. Are you a night owl or a morning person? MORNING!

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats? I’ve had many wonderful cats in my life that I’ve dearly loved, but I do prefer dogs.

8. What is the meaning behind your blog name? Random Thoughts is about writing whatever comes up, whatever inspires, whatever motivates. It’s about fun and whimsy. It’s about being serious. It’s…how you say…random.

So...if you've read this and feel like playing along, do so! But please, do not feel obligated.


  1. 1. If you could have a superpower, what would you have? Why? Invisibility. To people watch without the embarrassment of being caught staring.

    2. Who is your style icon? Er, style? Icon? Whatever fits on the day!

    3. What is your favorite quote? Too many to say. Current favourite stuck to laptop: "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self" by Cyril Connolly

    4. What is the best compliment you've ever received? "You're not like everyone else", by a boss I greatly admired. We're still in touch even though he's now 85 and living in New Zealand.

    5. What playlist/cd is on your ipod/cd player right now? "Om" chant by Satya Sai Baba

    6. Are you a night owl or a morning person? Definitely MORNING!

    7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
    Cats, cats, cats. HRH Theodorable will scratch me if I dare hint at anything else! But, seriously, cats.

    8. What is the meaning behind your blog name? "Judy Croome: Author on the Prowl" ...because I'm always prowling around looking for interesting happenings that I hope to use in my novels. And prowling is so cat-like. And it goes with my logo, which is a leopard on the prowl (painted by Fuz Caforio a local wild life artist)

    This was great fun, Bish, and exactly what I needed today!

  2. Awww. He whispered it in your ear?So romantic <3

  3. I LOVE thrift shops! Is it TMI to say I pay retail only for underwear and socks? I even found the dress I wore to one of my kids' weddings at a thrift shop.

  4. I'm the same Marcia. I can't see spending a lot of money of a piece of fabric that's going to be out of style in a year or two or will get torn or stained after wearing it one time. I'd rather spend that kind of money on something that will last, a piece of jewelry, or art, or...BOOKS!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fun questions and answers!
    I'm a dog lover, too. And I think I'd want my power to teleport because we are always on road trips! And my playlist is still on Papa Roach.

  7. Aww, your whispering hubby answer made me smile. I'm a sucker for good romance. And what a cool superpower!

  8. I love the one about your hubby whispering in your ear! How sweet! Loved your super power too!

  9. I'm going to save this tag for next week after my query series. I've got another tag from someone else and I think next week I'll need to have some fun.

    And I agree with Tara. Your husband sounds so romantic.

  10. I'm with Tara and Piedmont Writer, I swooned at your husband whispering in your ear.

    I think I may use this tag for QOTD. Thank you for the inspiration!

  11. Bish you have the best heart!!! Saving the ocean from all the plastics, that's super sweet!!

    Your husband sounds like a gem! I'd keep him around, he's a keeper, then again he obviously thinks the same thing about you!

  12. I like your super power. Very cool. My boys would love to help you. They like cleaning up junk. I just have to keep remind them to wear plastic gloves when they pick it up!


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!