Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Earlier this week Rena nominated me for the Creative Writer Blogger Award.

Thanks Rena!

I am supposed to do five things:

1. Thank the person who gave the award and link them.
2. Add the award to your blog.
3. Tell six outrageous lies about yourself and one truth.
4. Nominate six creative liars ... I mean, writers and link them.
5. Let your nominees know they've been nominated.

Okay, #1 and #2 have been completed.

Can you pick out the one true thing?

1. I once hitch-hiked from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
2. I spent a summer crewing on a sailing yacht in the Caribbean.
3. I absolutely LOVE liver and onions.
4. I was bitten by a bat and had to get rabies shots.
5. I have had half of my colon removed.
6. I go parasailing almost every time I go home to the islands.
7. I am allergic to birds.

That was fun! And I nominate....

Anne Spollen
Tabitha at Writer Musings
Tricia at Talespinning
MG Higgins
Cynthia Chapman Willis
I will be confessing which of the above are lies and which are truths on Monday.


C. Lee McKenzie over at TheWriteGame gave me the Sunshine Award.

It happened to arrive on the day we had snow. Thanks Lee! I'd like to pass on this bit of spring to:


  1. I'm guessing #2, but not totally sure about that. Congrats on the other award! :)

  2. Of course, I know which one is the the truth...and I won't tell and spoil the fun. How nice to get awards that make make you laugh!!!

  3. Happy Awards! Congrats!!! I love them and this lying one is one of my favorites!!! I'm not a good guesser but I think you love liver and onions (because disgustingly enough a lot of people do... umm... yeah... no offense, lol)

  4. Wow! I'm stumped! I hope for your sake it isn't 4 or 5...
    My guess is you were crew on a sailboat!

  5. Hmmm, I'm wondering if you are really allergic to birds.

    K, I will get to this one next blog - which may be soon since we are snowed in AGAIN...

    Congrats on the awards. Love the sunshine graphic.

  6. I am going to guess that number two is the one true thing. Because, really, does anyone like liver and onions?

    Congratulations on the well-deserved awards! And thank you for the nomination, too! : )

  7. Congrats on those fabulous awards! And thanks so much!! :)

    I'm going to guess #3, but I have no good reason to think you like liver and onions. :)

  8. Thank you, Bish! I'm honored.

    This truth vs. fiction thing is tough. #4 is just so strange, I'm thinking it just might be true. (And given your adventurous history, you've probably been around lots of bats.)

  9. I also think number 2 is the one true thing!

  10. Hmmm Bish. It seems obvious that the one true thing would be number 2. But you might be trying to trick us. So I'm thinking #6. Aw SHOOT! I don't know. Hmmm, could be 7. Hmmmm... What fun and how many times have I said Hmmm?

    Congrats on the awards. If anyone deserves 'em, you do. And congrats to all you picked. Yay. I'll have to hop around and visit these blogs. =)

  11. Thanks for the award! After a winter of gray and white, I'm sooooo ready for some color and sun!

    I'm going to say #4 for no other reason than it sounds awful. BTW, I like fried liver and onions...

  12. Congrats on these awards. Several of these are totally plausible. For some reason, I can really see #1. I believe #6, too. And I really do like liver and onions (I got a wonderful recipe for them about 30 -- yikes! -- years ago that I still use), so I can believe others would too.

    Okay, I'm going with #1. Back in the day, you might have.

  13. WOW! Thanks for all the responses! I can hardly wait for all of you to learn which of these seven is the truth.

  14. Congrats, Bish, and thanks! This is a challenge to figure out yours. A lot of them seem like you could have experienced them. But, okay, I'll pick #4.


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!