Blog Schedule

I post on Monday with an occasional random blog thrown in for good measure. I do my best to answer all comments via email and visit around on the days I post.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

IWSG, Hurricane Update, Being Thankful

Posting the First Wednesday of every month, the Insecure Writer's Support Group, is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh. YOU can sign up HERE to participate.

Every month a question will be posed that may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Remember, the question is optional. You can write about anything that relates to your writing journey.

Let's give a warm welcome to our co-hosts:  Mary Aalgaard, Bish Denham, Jennifer Hawes, Diane Burton, and Gwen Gardner!

Yes! That's me co-hosting! 

This month's question is:  How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/ finish a story?

Hmm. How do I celebrate? I don't do anything special, I simply bask in the feeling of accomplishment. 

Of course first, I have to achieve something and so far this year I haven't done a thing. I need help getting motivated to get back into revising my novel. Any suggestions? 

Hurricane Update - IrMaria six months out
My sister's second car, named Yeknod (which translates to donkey backwards and is the work vehicle) is back on the road! The hood and windshield were smashed and have been repaired. Head lights, tail lights and mirrors all work and she proudly bares some good dents from the storm. 

The other big news is that our "anchor" renter, a restaurant named Morgan's Mango, on St. John reopened February 26th!

The restaurant before and after Hurrican Irma.

Light check the day before reopening.

The owners, Carlos and Maria, hanging the new sign

 Morgan's Mango 2.0.

The remains of my sister's meal on opening night.

Being Thankful
Today I'm not only thankful for the reopening of Morgan's Mango, 
I'm thankful for signs of spring here in the Texas Hill Country

Large flocks of laughing robins and whistling cedar waxwings
Pears and redbud trees in bloom
A sleepy lizard basking in the sun
Butterflies flitting by
A pink corn flower and blue iris
Budding agarita
Mocking birds singing in the spring 
Rain! with thunder and lightening 

Crickets chirping the world to sleep
For those of you still locked in winter, 
fear not, 
believe, and know,
Spring is on her way

What are you thankful for? How do you celebrate achievements? Got any suggestions for me on how to get motivated to finish edits/revisions/corrects on my novel?


  1. That restaurant looks beautiful! Nice to see everyone rebuilding. By the way, the name for your sister's car is hilarious.

    1. Lol! The name Yeknod comes from a donkey I had as a kid. I loved her dearly.

  2. Glad your sister has a car again. She's endured so much. For writing, maybe set a small goal like working on your writing 15 to 30 minutes a day. I haven't been able to get to mine either and need to set a small goal like that too.

  3. I just read your About page. Fascinating area for a child to grow and develop their imagination. How to get motivated? I suggest you allow time to sprout fresh ideas that will spring forth and offer new options. You will revise your novel when the time is right.

    1. Hmmm, sprout fresh ideas. And it's spring too. Maybe it's a sign.

  4. Good news on your recovery from the hurricane. Mother Nature can pack a nasty punch! I like that picture of the tree woman. Spring, we're impatiently waiting for you here in Minnesota!
    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. I hope spring arrived soon in your neck of the woods. We have friends up there and it seems to always be COLD!

  5. That restaurant looks gorgeous! I'd love to visit sometime.

    Getting back into the groove doesn't have to be magical. I think you have to sit down and start. Hopefully muscle memory (both literal and figurative) will take over from there. I need to try that myself.

    1. Yes. Just sit down and start. I know this, but doing it seems to be the last thing on my mind. :D

  6. Sit down and write any old thing - it doesn't matter what, the first things that come into your head. This can be a good way to start because there's no pressure about what you're writing.

    1. Excellent advice. It's not like I don't have a gazillion prompts from which to choose!

  7. I find that I just have to force myself to get started. Starting seems to be the tough part. Also finishing. Finishing is rough. This isn’t the best motivational comment, is it?

    I’m glad the backwards donkey is on the road again and things are returning to their pre-hurricane state on St John. I really do hope to visit there someday.

    1. Finishing is the hard part for me, the revising and editing.

      There's still so much work to be done in the islands... so many homes with blue roofs or damage or that have been destroyed and hurricane season is right around the corner...

  8. That restaurant looks beautiful. I would love to visit it.

    As for motivation, read your novel as though its someone elses, switch on track changes and start editing.

    Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. I hope one day you do get to visit Morgan's Mango. The food is fabulous.

      Yup. It's been so long now since I've looked at my novel I'm sure reading it straight through as if it were someone elses would be a huge step in the right direction.

  9. I'm glad things are starting to get better after the hurricane! I'm also glad to see a lot of other writers are like me--finishing something doesn't need a big party to celebrate!

    1. I'm finding there are more of us than I thought!

  10. Glad your sister's car is working again. The restaurant looks great! I can't imagine cleaning all of that up.
    Go back and read something else you wrote for inspiration.
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Nice idea of reading something else I wrote for inspiration. Thanks, Alex!

  11. Great news! As for writing, just write, the editing part - a chance to improve on perfection...

    1. It's the editing that drags me down, Yolanda. I struggle so...

  12. Donkey backward? I love that and I love your update on the island's recovery. No matter how terrible things get, people and nature are resilient and move on.

    1. Indeed, Lee. People and nature have to be resilient because they have no place else to go except forward.

  13. Thank you for the post and for the update on how the island is getting back on its feet (so to speak). You wrote that you "simply bask in the feeling of accomplishment," and I know that doesn't sound like you're doing much, but a lot of folks don't even give themselves that. Happy writing, and remember to pause and bask whenever you can.

    1. Hmmm. Maybe that's what I need to do, deliberately bask in what I've already done, even though it's been over 6 months since I've looked at my novel.

      Thanks, Kathy!

  14. Nice to see progress being made in the reconstruction.

    As for getting back into editing, maybe just open the document to begin with? ;)

    1. LOL! *hangs head* Yes, just open the damn document already!

  15. I'm so glad things are beginning to come together. I'm even more grateful to see wildlife still there. You've endured so much and are so strong! Thank you for co-hosting!


    1. Yes, there's plenty of wildlife, though lots of trees were badly damaged or lost. But nature has a way of recovering, which would be a good thing.

  16. They did a great job on the restaurant. Love it when people use a disaster to their advantage. Thanks for sharing that.

    1. Disasters can certainly bring out the best in people, for which I'm very grateful.

  17. I'm glad to see signs of recovery for your sister and the restaurant. Hubs & I spent our honeymoon on St. Thomas. I'd like to go back some day. As far as getting back to writing: it helps me to reread what I've written. Just opening the file gets me back in the groove. I hope that (and the kick in the pants I sent you on my blog) gets you going again. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. Honeymoon on St. Thomas, nice! Yes I think the best thing I can do is simply open the file and start reading!

  18. Hi Bish - so good to read about your sister and the changes they've accomplished ... great restaurant opening ... must make so much difference to the community. Spring is springing isn't it - love your montage and the notes ... cheers Hilary

    1. It's taken a while, but better late than never! VI Strong!

  19. So glad to see your family is recovering from the hurricane. Regeneration from destruction is so powerful. As for writing inspiration - it appears that photos and images inspire you - I love the poem. Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Spring out of winter. Rebuilding out of devastation. Perhaps the photos inspire me more than I think. Thanks!

  20. I can't make any suggestions about writing for the moment. You sound like you're facing some of the same things regarding writing that I am.

    Spring is such a wondrous time! But I find wonder in all the seasons. Even in urban Los Angeles.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  21. Indeed. Those hurricanes were simply awful and it'll be years before things are back to a "new" normal.

    Spring is very springing all around here!

  22. The restaurant looks lovely!

    In terms of motivation, I am far from being an expert. One thing I find helpful, though, is asking yourself "why" you want to write/run/learn Chinese, etc. Reminding yourself of your "why" sometimes clears out all the clutter, mental and otherwise. Good luck!

  23. Wow, what a gorgeous restaurant! I always find doing other things inspires me to get back into writing. Like reading a good book or watching a good show. Thank you for co-hosting today.

    1. I read every night and watch too much TV as it is! :D

  24. Wow! Where to start!

    Daunting task and incredible success in resurrecting the Morgan's Mango.
    Love the robins, anxiously awaiting their arrival locally.
    Anytime I finish anything, I go back to just look at it, whether it is a painted room, a clean closet, a finished manuscript or a piece of art. I just look and smile.

    1. That's what I need to do. Look back at my novel and smile. I know it's good. I need to be okay with that, even though there are edits/revisions to make.

  25. I'm into story structure and I've always found that if I watch a good movie and pay attention to how well they do what they do, I'm always psyched to head back to my manuscript and see what I can do to make it better.

    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month.

    1. It's wonderful to read all the different ways writers have of getting inspired to make their writing better!

  26. I am so glad that the restaurant is reopening. It looks beautiful. I am sure the work was very difficult, but it really looks wonderful. Something to celebrate for sure! :)

    1. Yes indeed, Jess. It's something to CELEBRATE!

  27. Basking in your accomplishment is something special. :)

    1. Now, if I can just stop basking like a turtle or lizard I'll be doing good.

  28. So happy for you blessing and that things are better. Loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Happy IWSG Day.

  29. Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing. The restaurant looks like a great place to escape to relax awhile. When you're not exactly in the mood to write, I just remember someone saying, if you had a job, no matter how you feel, you'd have to do the job. So make it a job that everyday you HAVE to write at a certain time and do it. No excuses. Thanks for cohosting.
    JQ Rose

  30. Thank you for cohosting! The restaurant looks great. We are in the middle of a wierd storm here in Philadelphia, snow is piling up...I'm feeling blessed to be able to stay in and work, hoping to get caught up on a few projects. Sometimes I think I have too much inspiration and I definitely don't have enough time to finish anything.

  31. I'm bad at celebrating achievements. Maybe I need to make it a goal in order to fix that.

  32. Even when I "can't wait" to start a new project, it takes a lot to get me going. I have superpower procrastination abilities. I have to clear my head, my workspace, and computer of an lingering items. Then I can begin, even though I often still will spend way too much time on Facebook before I actually think it's enough and wonder what I'm doing. But once I begin, I'm good to go. Good luck! And thanks for the IrMaria update and pics :)

  33. Hi Bish,

    Nice to see things are finally coming back after such a horrific disaster.... Like you say, catastrophes bring out the best in people when rebuilding one's homes and lives.

  34. That restaurant is gorgeous! Great recovery from the hurricane.

    I suggest starting your revisions with a part of the novel that you really like. Set a goal of maybe 30-60 minutes of working on it, then plan a reward for yourself when you finish.

  35. Is that last one a real photo, Bish? Incredible. Enjoy spring in the hill country - one of the best places in the world to be that time of the year (if you love spring, fields and color). :-)

    The restoration of Morgan's Mango is incredible. Sign me up for a meal now! We love St. John (which we visited extensively with our sailboat many years ago) and hope to return there one day.

    Thanks for co-hosting and good luck with your novel!

  36. I would love to try that restaurant. I'm so ready for spring.

  37. Hurricanes do so much damage, year after year. I'm glad you guys are recovering. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  38. Thanks for co-hosting, Bish. It's hard to imagine going through something like that. I'm glad things are improving for you, your sister, and your "anchor" renters. I like Jennifer Lane's suggestion for getting going at editing and revising.

  39. Congrats on the reopening of the restaurant. As for suggestions, maybe try stepping back from your novel and for set amount of time, free write whatever comes to mind. Or start from the climax of your story. Thanks for co-hosting today! :-D

  40. The rebuilt restaurant looks great. As for staying motivated, my post this month has tips to stay motivated. First, I would say don't beat yourself up. You obviously have a lot going on in your life, and it's okay to give yourself permission to shift priorities sometimes.
    My next suggestion would be find someone to talk to about your book. Fall in love with it again. Then seek out a writing buddy in a similar place and motivate each other. Nothing is better than having someone else to go through the good times and bad with.

  41. Sometimes it can be hard to find motivation when you have so much going on. Allow yourself to find time to rest first. Congratulations on the post-hurricane achievements, and thanks for co-hosting!

  42. Oof! That's a rough time. It's good to see people getting back on their feet. Thanks for co-hosting!

  43. That's wonderful news! God bless all your woes with the hurricane! I live in SoFlo so I can't relate but my damage in the past hasn't been that bad. I can't even imagine. The place looks great though. How very exciting!

  44. I bask in accomplishment too. And I patted myself on the back for making my word count goal two days in a row. LOL. And then yesterday happened. And today. So maybe tomorrow I'll be back on track! Glad things are getting back on track after the hurricane!

  45. Nic pics, Bish. I particularly love the last one and the ones after the storm and what the restaurant looks like now.

  46. Hi Bish,
    Your pictures alone inspired me! I can't say why, but when I feel I've accomplished something I'll then attack a task I've been putting off, like vacuuming or laundry ;-)
    It's okay to set your book aside for a time, perhaps outline a new project. Soon as you do, your muse will come charging back ;-)

  47. What amazing photos. I agree with Diedre. I juggle projects to keep the moment going. Thank you for co-hosting!

  48. I don't do anything special to celebrate finishing a story. I just sit there, amazed that a procrastinator like myself actually finished something!

    That photo of Morgan's Mango after Hurricane Irma was frightening!

  49. So glad to see the improvements to your sister's car, etc. Sat without power for three days this week and thought about the Caribbean. There were a lot of complainers around me, until someone said, think about Puerto Rico. They are still without power. A little reminder from Mother Nature not to take things for granted here isn't such a bad thing. Hope you are well, Bish.

  50. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Glad things are coming back together after the hurricane. They can be so destructive.

  51. I love the signs of Spring and can understand, after seeing the before and after photos that there's a lot to be thankful for. Like you, I bask in a feeling of accomplishment - which is really the best kind of celebration. Who needs champagne when you have that ?

  52. So much damage. I'm glad the restaurant is finally able to reopen. It looks beautiful.

  53. The new restaurant is beautiful, Bish. I'd LOVE to eat there. And I'm glad your sister's car, Yeknod, is up and running. Being thankful is the right attitude. All the best to you, my dear, and thanks for co-hosting this month!

  54. The restaurant looks great! Glad she has her car up and running. We're seeing early signs of spring here, but unless we're going into a drought year, there's plenty more snow and cold weather still to come until May.

  55. I wish I had advice--or a potion would be good--for writing motivation. I'm stuck in the same mud. Here's to us both wiggling our way back to editing/writing.

  56. Great article..I am looking so forward to your blogcomment and
    I love your page on your post.. That is so pretty..


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!