
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

IWSG, The Agony of Defeat, IWSG Anthology, Being Thankful

Posting the First Wednesday of every month, the Insecure Writer's Support Group, is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh. YOU can sign up HERE to participate.

Every month a question will be posed that may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Remember, the question is optional. You can write about anything that relates to your writing journey.

Let's give a warm welcome to our co-hosts:  Lee Lowery, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Jennifer Hawes, Cathrina Constantine, and Tyrean Martinson!

This month's question is: Has a single photo or work of art ever inspired a story? What was it and did you finish it?

I'm sure I've been inspired at some point in my life, but I've written so many stories, so many partials, so many snippets, that I can't remember anything specific.


The Agony of Defeat

So, at the end of January I had this fabulous opportunity to submit a novel of mine to Simon and Schuster (without an agent!). It looked to me like it was, on many different levels, the perfect fit for the particular editor who was accepting unsolicited manuscripts. I worked so hard on it - days, weeks, months - to edit/revise and generally make it as clean as possible. But then...right there at the I exported it from the editing program - which I really like - back to my computer, all of the formatting was lost and I was left with a garbled mess of single/double spaced paragraphs with/without indentations with/without page breaks.

There was no way I could possibly reformat 200 plus pages manually to get it sent off in time. I'd already been up since three in the morning and it was 4 PM when it happened and I had to be at work by 5 PM and wouldn't be back home until 7:30 PM - I know just 2 and a half hours - and I was already exhausted.

I sobbed and wept and cussed a blue streak. Poor hubby, he did a good job being supportive and compassionate even as I yelled at him to shut the f**k up I don't want to hear about how you understand what I'm going through.

Truly, this has been the single worst writing experience of my life, worse than losing stuff on my computer when it went nuclear. Worse that any rejection.

All I can tell myself is that there must be a reason for the agony of this defeat. Can somebody please tell me what it is? Is there another editor/publisher out there that's even more perfect?

Here is the link to IWSG Anthologies where you can meet the contributing authors of Voyages: The Third Ghost. Stop by and a learn a little about who we are. 

Being Thankful
Today I'm thankful for...
I'm thinking about it...
Today I'm thankful for...

What are you thankful for? What has been your single worst writing experience? Have you written a story that was inspired by a photo or piece of art?


  1. I'm so sorry that happened! There must be a better place out there for that book.

  2. Ugh. How terrible. Oh, Bish. Have faith. There has to be a reason for this disaster. Keep having faith in yourself and your book.

    Today I'm thankful for my corner writing desk and the shawl my sister-in-law gave me that is keeping me warm on a damp, rainy, early Wednesday morning.

  3. I am so sorry!! Believe there is a home for it.

  4. Oh crap! That's awful. As Liza said, there was a reason that happened.

  5. You're too close to see the reason. I know, that's crappy. But it's true. Please know that I know what I'm talking about. There is a perfect reason why this happened. Because everything that happens is perfect. We just need time to know that. And even then there are things we'll never fully understand because we don't witness the negative outcome of what we didn't do. Understand? Repeat after me, Everything always works out for me! Everything always works out for me! Everything always works out for me!

  6. What a nightmare! Computers are pure evil. One of the worst things that happened to me was getting an agent to ask for a revise and resubmit and then pass on the book. I know you are a strong writer and I loved The Bowl and the Stone. Don't give up (but do kick the computer.)

  7. I was so upset when you posted this on Facebook. I could only imagine what you felt. I hate computers. Now I double hate them.

  8. That's just awful! But at least your ms wasn't lost -- I've had all the backups of one book go nuclear at the same time (different locations, different formats -- it just wasn't meant to be).

    Ronel visiting on IWSG day Project Evergreen

  9. Oh no! I'm sorry that happened, but maybe you'll find a better (the right) home for it.

  10. Wow - what a total bummer. There are simply no words. And this only adds to my paranoia about finding yet one more way to back up my work. Wishing you better days and a new home for your book.

  11. So very sorry that happened to you. But you could still try to get an agent for it. Why not enter some of my query critique contests? And they could submit it to this editor and others all at the same time for you. Maybe that's the better option.

  12. Chocolate is an excellent thing to be thankful for.
    I've never experienced this, but I write and edit in Word. I save everything at the end of the day and send what I saved to myself at a separate gmail account. Not that I'm paranoid. At most, I will have lost only one day's work. When it gets down to the nitty gritty, I have been known to save and email more than once a day. I know that doesn't help you now, but maybe it will in the future. Hugs.

  13. I can't even imagine my response. I've cried over the damn computer and it's demon ways so many times I've lost count. But I know you'll come back, and something awesome will happen to wipe all that negative away! Hang in there! Sending positive vibes your way!

  14. Oh, Bish, that's awful! I'm sorry that happened to you. Husbands have a tough time with writing wives. I just read that part of your post to my husband, who so gets what it's like to be married to a distraught writer tearing her hair out over computer troubles. Not that mine equaled yours. Something will work out!!!

  15. I am sorry that happened. But have faith! It will happen when its time.


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!