
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

IWSG, Crafts and Being Thankful

Posting the First Wednesday of every month, the Insecure Writer's Support Group, is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh. YOU can sign up HERE to participate.

Every month a question will be posed that may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Remember, the question is optional. You can write about anything that relates to your writing journey.

Let's give a warm welcome to our co-hosts:  Raimey Gallant,Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace!

This month's question is: Besides writing what other creative outlets do you have?

Interesting question. I used to have a lot of other creative outlets, but not so much any more, and the reason is mostly because I don't have the time, space, or inclination.

I used to draw... a lot. 


 The World Turtle was drawn loooong before I ran across Terry Pratchett and his Disc World series.

 I still color from time to time.

I used to play the guitar and sing but my voice isn't what it used to be and arthritis makes it hard to play. I also sang for a short time in a jazz trio, for which I designed our logo that we put on t-shirts.

Then there were the crafts. Lots of different kinds of crafts. Had a shop called The Kit and Kaboodle where I sold stuff I made and things I bought from around the Caribbean. I made everything from seed and shell jewelry to macrame belts, guitar straps and purses. Even worked with ceramics and clay.

Then there was all the tatting I did. Pictures don't really do it justice.

While the crafts have come and gone, writing has remained the one thread that runs continuously through my life.
Being Thankful
Today I'm thankful for all things I've been able to do with my hands. I'm also thankful to my wonderful and most talented mother who had me using real scissors by the time I was about six, who taught me to read and who was the first to recognize I might be a writer at heart, even though I was (and am) a lousy speller.

What are you thankful for? Do you do any crafty things? Is there something you wish you had done or could do?


  1. I used to do all sorts of creative things like that and sold some of it, too. I used to make pompom critters and people and they were very popular. Do you still have some of those treasures you made with the shells?

  2. You're very talented! I've always wished I could draw. Sadly, I have no talent in that area whatsoever. The only thing I've ever been able to draw beyond stick figures that is recognizable is a palm tree.

    1. I never thought of myself as artist, not when I wanted to paint like Pissarro!

  3. I don't have time for anything but writing either, and not enough time for that. I definitely cannot draw even at a five-year-old level.

    1. Although I liked to draw, I wanted to draw better, but never really focused on it enough.

  4. That's impressive! You were creative all over the place.

  5. You are talented! Gosh, the shading that you do. I am jealous. I like to draw, but I can't draw like that.

  6. You really did some incredible stuff!

  7. You have a lot of creativity in you, Bish. I noticed it in your story--that the plot and characters kept surprising me.

  8. What great creations, Bish. I loved your drawings and the turtle is beautiful. Ironically, I just started reading one of Terry Prachett's books. His use of the English language is amazing.

    1. I love Prachett's books. When I need to get away from reality and have a good romp his books are just the ticket.

  9. We have two things in common. There used to be a store here in my town called "Kit and Kaboodle," and,I am the world's worst speller!

  10. I did macrame back in the 70s. I still have some of the plant hangers I made then. I forgot all about that. Along with many needle crafts I used to do, macrame fell by the wayside when I started to write. Love the logo you designed.

  11. Your drawings -- especially the world turtle -- is amazing!

    Ronel visiting for Feb's IWSG Day Being an Insecure Writer -- And Happy About It

  12. Hi Bish - you've certainly tried your hand at all sorts of things ... love the crafty ideas - but your drawings are quite delightful ... mind you I rather like your stories too! Cheers Hilary


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!