
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

IWSG - Books - Being Thankful

Posting the First Wednesday of every month, the Insecure Writer's Support Group, is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh. YOU can sign up HERE to participate.

Every month a question will be posed that may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Remember, the question is optional. You can write about anything that relates to your writing journey.

Let's give a warm welcome to our co-hosts:  Patricia Lynne, Lisa Buie-Collard, Kim Lajevardi, and Fundy Blue!

This month's question is: What are your favorite and least favorite questions people ask you about your writing?

(Personally I'm glad the question isn't about goals and resolutions.)

Favorite question: Where/how did you get your idea? Those are stories in themselves and I'm always glad to share them.

Least Favorite question: Can you tell me how to publish/write/edit, etc.? My answer is always the same. I direct the person to IWSG, and to other writerly sites, and tell them that writing, to be good, is very hard work. 

Books Read in 2018
I read 31 of my usual 40 books in 2018 the reason being that quite a few of them were quite long and since I'm a slow reader they took longer to get through. I like going over my list and seeing what I read. Last year it included many books in the historical fiction and non-fiction genre.

Lost in Shagri-La - Michael Zuckoff - nonfic
The Royal Physician's Visit - Per Olov Enquist - historical fic
Some Very Messy Medieval Magic - C. Lee McKenzie - MG fantasy
Two Old Women - Velma Willis - Native American myth
Secrets of the Savanna - Mark and Delia Owens - nonfic
The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan - fic
Hunger - Donna Jo Napoli - MG historical fic
The Inquisitor's Tale - Adam Gidwitsz - MG fantasy
The Wright Brothers - David McCullough - nonfic
Forty Years a Slave, Three Yeas in the White House - Elizabeth Hobbs Kechley - bio
Watership Down - Richard Adams - fic
Lilack Girls - Martha Hall Kelly - historical fic
The Green Song - Doris T. Plenn - MG
The Cow-Tail Switch and Other West African Stories - Harold Courlander - MG
News of the World - Paulette Jiles - historica fic - excellent
The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell - scifi
Children of God - Mary Doria Russell - scifi
Caliban's Shore - Stephen Taylor - nonfic
Sing Down the Moon - Scott O'Dell - MG - historical fic
Water Buffalo Summer - Huyhn Quang Nhuong - MG bio
Dragon of the Lost Sea - Laurence Yep - MG
Sand Dollar Summer - Kimberly K. Jones - MG
Grass - Sheri S. Tepper - scifi
The Gate to Women's Country - Sheri S. Tepper - scifi
Freud's Mistress - Karen Mack - historical fic
The Queen's Captive - Barbara Kyle - historical fic
Diggers - Terry Pratchette - MG
The Chilbury Ladies Choir - Jennifer Ryan - fic with a little history thrown in
The House with Chicken Legs - Sophia Anderson - MG
The Boy, the Boat, and the Beast - Samantha M. Clark - MG
Blended - Sharon M. Draper - MG
Being Thankful
I'm thankful it's a new year and that there are more books to read and,
that I get to wear these cool socks my sweetie gave me for Christmas.

What are you thankful for? What's your favorite/least favorite question people ask you about your writing? Read any of the books I've read?


  1. Love the socks! I read 68 books last year, which is more than I've ever read in one year. I really want to make it to 100 someday.

    1. Unless they were very short, I doubt I'd ever make 100 books in one year. Being dyslexic has a few drawback, but it's never stopped me from loving to read.

  2. I love your socks. And you read Lee's book - wonderful.

    1. It's my favorite of Pete and Weasel's adventures!

  3. Loved seeing the books you read. The only one I read was Lee's book, which I really enjoyed. Love your new socks.

    1. Lee's book may be the only one that matters! :)

  4. Yeah, I direct questions like that to great resources--either groups on FB or videos on YouTube.

    Happy New Year, Bish!

  5. Yes, direct them to the IWSG site! Much easier and much more efficient.

  6. That's a lot of books! Impressive. I've read a ton more this year too. When people ask how do you write a book I want to scream. UGH. The worst question ever. How do you even begin to tell them all the years and tears and learning that goes into each book??? :)

    1. Exactly. I think some people think writing is easy.

  7. I used to get a lot of young/new writers asking me how to publish, and I'd always think, "Oh no!" I'd direct them to books, sites, etc. and say it takes a lot of research and perseverance.

  8. It’s fun tracking reading and seeing what you accomplished and enjoyed during a given period. Great socks. I got a nice wool pair to keep my tootsies warm for the next few months! Happy New Year, Bish!

  9. I've read The Joy Luck Club and Lilac Girls. Both were very good. I should keep track of what I read in a year. I always wonder about the number of books I finish.

    1. The only way I can keep track is through Goodreads, and I've only been doing it the past 3 or 4 years.

  10. I've read two of the books you've read. I LOVE the socks! My sister loves to wear fun socks like these. I signed up for the 2019 Goodreads challenge. I love to do it because it makes me remember to read! Happy new year!

  11. Love the socks, Bish! I enjoyed reading the list of books you read this year. I have to tally mine up when I get home ~ hopefully we pull in our driveway on Saturday. I spotted several books I've read and some that I haven't that are written by favorite writers of mine in your list. Have you read Donna Jo Napoli's "The Prince of the Pond?" I read that to many of my third graders over the years, and this older reader still loves that story. I really enjoyed Sheri S. Tepper's "Singer from the Sea." I want to read one of Lee's books this year! Thanks for sharing, and all the best to you in 2019!

  12. I love the socks, too. LOL Your reading list is quite diverse. I tend to read the same genres (subgenres) but my book club "forces" me to read outside my interests. Happy reading and happy writing!

  13. Those socks are awesome. I love fun socks.

  14. If anyone wants to write, it's best to know from the off about the hard work involved! I've only read Diggers from your list, but I am a Pratchett nut. Your list is very varied.

  15. Love the socks! Your favorite question is one my least favorite. Next time I'm asked, I direct them your way :)

  16. I now have sock envy! I do think all writers write/market in such different ways, it's hard to offer advice on how to do that. I've taken a little bit from here and a little from there. Hope your new year is going well. :)

  17. Those socks look amazing!

  18. Hi Bish - fun socks ... and here to wish you and the family a happy 2019 - cheers Hilary

  19. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!