
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

IWSG, Hurricane Update, Being Thankful

Posting the First Wednesday of every month, the Insecure Writer's Support Group, is the brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh. YOU can sign up HERE to participate.

Every month a question will be posed that may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Remember, the question is optional. You can write about anything that relates to your writing journey.

Let's give a warm welcome to our co-hosts:  Beverly Stowe McClure,Tyrean Martinson, Tonja Drecker, and Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor!

This month's question is: What's harder for you to come up with, book titles or character names?
Probably titles, though often I've come up with titles that have given me the story idea, as with A Piece of the Sky. But other stories have been more difficult to title, as with The Bowl and the Stone, which my sister suggested. As for names, I often research those, because I like the idea of having a hidden meaning that speaks to the character's character, and that process can take time.

Hurricane Update - Nine Months Out
Things are perking along. But all are a bit nervous as the 2018 hurricane season begins. So many homes still damaged, so many roofs in need of repair, including my sister's.

Speaking of which, she has adopted a new cat, her name is Calypso.

And here are a few links to some good and not so good news.
Arrangements are being made for all the plant debris to be turned into mulch and will be available for distribution. There were plans to burn all the brush debris, but people fought that proposal. Story HERE.

Here's a podcast, in English, about what's going on in Puerto Rico. My cousin, Frances Boulon, who has a doctorate in psychology and is a professor at the University of Puerto Rico, talks about the mental health of the people on the island. Story HERE.

St. Croix had it's annual Agrifest three months late, but it happened! Story HERE

The US Department of Education is sending $$ to help both public and private schools. Story HERE

The coral reefs are showing signs of recovery. Story HERE

Still in recovery mode, FEMA is only now looking at ways to help people repair their homes because, unlike Texas and Florida, there is no temporary housing available in the islands. Story HERE

The death toll in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria is at over 4,600. Story HERE

The Westin Hotel on St. John is working hard to be opened by January of 2019. Story Here

And lastly, the school libraries lost all their books and the shelves are empty. If you would like to help fill those shelves consider sending new and gently used books via media mail. Facebook post and information below.
Image may contain: night and indoor
As we slowly continue our journey of recover, we come across many disappointing discoveries.
Trying to bring back any sense of normalcy for the children on island continues to be a difficult task.
There are many things that would never even cross your mind.
If you were to tour the schools since the storms, one thing you would see is EMPTY LIBRARIES! Between the storms themselves & the mold to follow, every book in ever school has been destroyed!
Please join us in helping return the joy of reading to the children on island!
You can do so by sending them to:
The Office of Senator Janelle K. Sarauw at:
Legislature of the Virgin Islands Capital Building
Charlotte Amalie P.O. Box 1690 St. Thomas USVI 00804
The cheapest way to send mail like this is through Media mail (up to 70lbs) with USPS.
Please help us by SHARING this post & TAGGING your friends who are lovers of books and reading.

Being Thankful

Today I'm thankful for flowers from our yard, gathered into bouquets.

What are you thankful for? Which do you find harder, coming up with a title or a character's name? Got a few books to spare to send to the children of the VI? Do you like to make bouquets from flowers you gather in your yard?


  1. I hope the library receives a ton of books. And that the hurricane season this year spares the island.

  2. Hoping for a gentle hurricane season.

  3. Oh man! It's so easy to forget unless you're close to the trauma. I'm a bit nervous about hurricane season too, especially since they're predicting this one will be rough. I'm hoping not. We had enough of that last year.

    1. It's rather like looking over your shoulder because you sense someone is following you.

  4. What beautiful flowers! Disasters like that aren't easily overcome. Hopefully, this season will give everyone a much needed break. I'll spread the word on the books (and will send some myself).

  5. Hard to believe it's hurricane season again already. I'm hoping those beautiful islands are spared from destruction this year.

    1. I know... nine months and it feels like forever!

  6. I can't believe hurricane season is already here. I'm praying nothing comes to the islands or to Florida this year.

    There is a lot of good news there. I hope more come.

    1. I hope not too. No place needs to go through 2 cat 5s in a row.

  7. I hope hurricane season is kinder to your area of the world this year, and yes, I probably do have some kid's book that we don't need anymore lying around.

  8. Wow. It's sad that so many are still struggling to recover. I hope this is a much better weather season for you.

  9. Thank you for sharing all of this, Bish! I am glad that the recovery efforts are moving forward and your sister has a new cat. It makes me really sad to see those empty bookshelves and I'll be sending something to help.
    Hope June looks brighter and better each day!

  10. Calypso is a cutie.

    It'll jot down that address and see what books DLP can send.

  11. I like researching character names and giving them hidden meanings too.

  12. Hi Bish - so glad to have the update ... well done on keeping us informed. Calypso is cute ... and I hope the kids get lots more books for their library ... also let's hope this season is kind to the island ... cheers Hilary

  13. I'm usually pretty good at choosing names for my characters. Titles, not so much.

  14. I see so much that's positive here today, Bish, including the perfect cat with the perfect name. I'm putting down that podcast to listen to this evening. I'm sure I'll find it quite interesting, and she's your cousin! Have to listen.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lee! The podcast isn't long. Hope you enjoy it.

  15. Thank you so much for sharing! It can be easy to forget about disasters when they're no longer in the news, but as you said, the journey back to normalcy isn't that quick. And all those empty library shelves! I hope they get filled quickly and that the hurricanes leave you alone this year.

  16. I like researching names too. So sad that the recovery is still taking so long. Your sister's cat is so cute!

  17. Thanks for the hurricane update. Last season was so devastating and we've already kicked off this season early with TS Alberto. Here's hoping that Mother Nature takes it easy on us this year.

    So lovely that you adopted a cat :-)

  18. Happy to things are recovering. Puerto Rico death toll is so tragic. I hope the worst of Hurricane seasons decides to take a vacation this year. Enjoyed all the photos.

  19. The book donation is a great idea. I hope the price of shipping within the US/Puerto Rico is reasonable. I checked from Canada to Puerto Rico and it's steep.

  20. It's really sad to read that every book in every school has been destroyed! But at least things are moving forward, even though it's a slow process.

    With regards to character names...I struggle with character names. My characters remain Mrs. B, Mr. X and Miss Y for a very long time.

  21. Surfing the internet looking for info about Vince Denham, sax player, and I came across your blog. I'm passing it along to library types to see if some books can start filling those shelves.


Your Random Thoughts are most welcome!